Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Let us shift our gaze.πŸ‘“

‘Where you are is where God comes to meet you face to face. Where you are is where you’ll find His blessing and His Grace’. (Patience Strong)

That we are alive in this time of pandemic is no mistake, God has entrusted this day and time to us. We are here to accomplish the work He has given us to do, right here, right now. Looking back and bemoaning what once was is life draining, remaining in the fetid water of regret is most certainly not growth enhancing. Adverse circumstances make us strong and courageous, let us relax our fingers, let go of what is not working anymore, ever forward - never back. 

Let us shift our gaze, we do not need to understand, it is never good to force the gates of mystery.

Let us accept the challenge, enjoy the adventure. Before we know it, we will be eased into a new brighter meadow, the one we left behind dark and dank by comparison, we will be very happy to have moved on. God will be able to move freely and swiftly in our lives. Gratitude and acceptance are the great life-changers.

Speak Lord, your servant is listening, You are in control, Your kindness and caring for me and mine in our many dark hours leave not the faintest doubt in my heart and mind. When one door closes, You always have a new one open for us but oftentimes, in our anguish, we spend so much time looking at the closed door we do not see the new open one. Open the eyes of our hearts, Dear Lord, help us to trust in Your Mercy and Love, You who are Love.

‘For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, “Fear not, I will help you”.
( Isaiah 41:13)
‘There’s a special piece of work that you were meant to do. That is why you’re where you are, God set that task for you. Not along some other road but where your ways now lie - is the niche that you and you alone can occupy’. ( Patience Strong)

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