Tuesday, April 7, 2020

God wants His world back. πŸ™πŸ»

‘If we remember that God is real, the beams that shine from that sun illumines everything. If we do not, then there is just no substitute’. (Dr. Peter Kreeft)

‘Can you imagine what the earth would be like if all men loved Me and did My will? How sweet life would be!? Will they ever understand what they lose in hating Me and each other’. (Jesus to Gabrielle/He and I)

To know about Christ is not the same as knowing Christ. When Jesus is Lord of our lives, sanctity reinstated in our world and adoration of The One True God restored, I believe with all my heart that Corona will take her leave of us. Bleak future awaits us if we do not turn to our Lord and Master and repent. When each and every one of us turn to God there will be peace among us.

Lead the way, O Lord our Light. We have abused the freedom given to us by You, we forgot to remember that we are Divine creations much more than we are producers and consumers. Children of The Most High God: ‘We are called to a fullness of life which far exceeds the dimensions of this earthly existence because it consists in sharing the very life of God’. (St. Pope John Paul)

Speaking the above with an elderly gentleman today, he replied with the gravity his sage words deserved; ‘We are at war in this time of our lives and there’s no talk about God. In fact if He was on the road, we would drive over Him’. Wow! in a handful of words🌠

We have forgotten God! When we remember God and His Love, we are happy. When we forget, we are unhappy. Walking with Jesus, our lives will be richer and fuller without the many distractions that have blinded us up to now, to restore the Sacred is to restore society. 

When we engage with the Lord in prayer, He will calm the Corona storm raging in our world, just as the waves of the sea calmed down when Jesus rebuked the wind. 

The ways of The Lord are beyond the calculations of man. Know God - Know Peace. No God - No Peace.

‘And He arose and rebuked the wind and said unto the sea, “Peace, be still”. The wind ceased and there was great calm’. (Mark 4:39)

                                         Dearest Mother Mary, please pray to Jesus for us. Amen

 ‘The thing to remember is not to read so much or talk so much about God, but to talk to God’.
(Dorothy Day/‘The reckless way of Love’)

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