Thursday, April 30, 2020

Every breath we draw is a gift of His Love’. (Thomas Merton)

‘The whole world is charged with the Glory of God’. (Gerard Manley Hopkins)
Photographers praised. Inventors idolised. Explorers esteemed. Artists admired. GOD the Author of all, overlooked, unheeded. We fall in love with God’s gifts, we ignore the Giver, we forget that nothing is ours, everything we have we have received, to the next minute, the next breath we draw. 

Were God to cease loving you or me for one instant, we would cease to be. All is Gift, beauty that is there for us to be delighted by and then to delight in the one who created it all.

‘If, charmed by their beauty, they have taken things for gods, let them know how much the Lord of these excels them, since the very author of beauty has created them’. ‘Wisdom: 13

‘About time we got some sunshine’, someone said aloud. ‘We deserve nothing’, replied the gentle elderly lady, smiling...........

                  ‘His works are great, past all reckoning, marvels beyond all counting’. (Job 5:9)

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