Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Happy days☀️

‘I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go’. (Psalm 32:8)

Holy Spirit placed in my heart to purchase a Bible in Medugorje, use it while there and then gift it to somebody before returning home again. Made sense, I love gifting Holy Bibles as wedding gifts or for any reason at all.

I did what was requested of me of course but as the week pleasantly progressed, it looked as if I could hang on to my beautiful Bible, in fact I was sure it would be coming home to Ireland with me, I was very happy. My ancient well read (red leather cover too) Bible at home could finally rest on shelf.

However, seamlessly, young guy glided into my life last evening, gladly gratefully receiving my beautiful Bible. Final day of pilgrimage, about to return home to his own land, brand new in his faith journey. I had no idea until after I had purchased it, that my new Bible was intended for a First Holy Communion child. Apostles Creed, Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory all vividly displayed in front pages. Markings throughout.

How fitting for this genial young man. The whole tool kit!! God’s Divine providence….

‘I place trust in God my creator, in all things; I love Him with all my heart’. (St. Joan of Arc)

Just now on my way to tiny Blessed Sacrament Church, another guy having just purchased a Bible, lent it to me for my precious time at the feet of my beautiful Jesus. Amazing!! All we must do is show up, stay open to Divine guidance and it will always be there.☀️πŸ•Š️
                                 ‘Listen to the Spirit. He will lead you’. (Catherine Doherty/Madonna House)
Beautiful Jesus broken body.πŸ™πŸ»

                                           Parched, Holy water….no bowl. God will find a wayπŸ˜€ πŸ•‍🦺

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Adoration of the most Blessed Sacrament.☀️πŸ™πŸ»

‘The Eucharist is the bread that gives strength. It is at once the most eloquent proof of His love and the most powerful means of fostering His love in us. He gives Himself every day so that our hearts as burning coals may set afire the hearts of the faithful’. (St. Damien of Molokai)

Tonight, when wonderful one hour outdoor adoration of the most Holy Sacrament drew to a close, one lady remarked dejectedly: ‘I wish we had three hours. It is too short, too beautiful……..’

‘O Lord, You are my God. I extol You, I praise Your Name; For You have carried out Your wonderful plans of old, faithful and true’. (Isaiah 25:1)

Friday, May 26, 2023

Medugorje ☀️πŸ™πŸ»

‘The Advocate, the Holy Spirit that the Father will send in my Name - He will teach you everything and remind you of all that I told you’. (John 14:26)

Eleven hour Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament last night in Church of St. James. Radiation therapy! On way home from precious moments with beautiful Jesus, impromptu insightful sharing with lovely lady from Korea. She took a bunch of my prayers to distribute in her Church. 

Last evening I met V. Tiny lady from Romania. Hope we meet again! I never met anyone so filled with self-forgetting joy in my whole life. She told me, amongst many other things:’Adore Jesus as a little child. He wishes to be known as ‘King of Mercy’. That way you will be happy forever’. Profound wisdom emanating from this dainty lady. When I asked if she was ok for everything, she replied: ‘Yes, I have my pension’. ‘Me too’, I said. Kindred spirits! About my prayer she remarked: ‘Beautiful prayer. Everyone is there’. 

V gifted me this extremely powerful novena, particularly poignant having recently spent time in Prague. Beautiful Infant of Prague Church magnificently moving.

I needed to change rooms last night and now today from my balcony I behold Cross mountain. All working out seamlessly through gracious guidance of dear Holy Spirit.

Holy Mass this morning, I cried as choir sang: ‘Lady of Knock, Queen of Ireland’ and whole congregation joined in. Dearest Mother Mary please intercede for our dear country. Amen

Was sure I brought with me far too many prayers but now it looks like I did not bring enough. (I brought loads!!) Wish I could put in words my many and varied prayer-sharing encounters thus far. Exhilarating and amazing, Divine appointments each and every one. Grace flowing in abundance, Holy Spirit moving powerfully.

Holy Rosary at Blue Cross with my sister Ann and husband Mike who suffered brain bleed last year, beyond precious!

                                           Keep us safe O God. You are our only hope. Amen

                                                                  Cork airport✈️

‘We have in Heaven the heart of a mother. The Virgin, our Mother, who at the foot of the cross suffered as much as possible for a human creature, understands our troubles and consoles us’. (St. Leopoldo Mandic)

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

City break🌟

‘In the intimacy of prayer, God is revealed to us as the One who loves all the members of the human family just as personally and uniquely as God loves us’.(Henri Nouwen)

Bus into the city first thing this morning. Driver blaring classic hits for duration of journey, upbeat and joyful. Disembarking, I thanked him for the music and offered my prayer. ‘I will take it. This morning I need a prayer’, he replied.

No morning Holy Mass in St. Peter and Pauls Church, disappointing but always happy to spend time in that oasis of peace situated where it is, amidst the madding crowd.

On sidewalk, elderly gentleman playing tin whistle, I placed my prayer and widow’s mite in basket at his feet. He lives at the top of a hill he told me and every day he comes into the city to play his tunes. Couragous happy guy doing what he loves, copper fastening my resolve to keep on doing what I love too. Be yourself! Everyone else is taken!

Young girl, (same age as my youngest son), thirty days free from heroin. She read my prayer and told me that: ‘things are beginning to work out for her’. As I walked away she called after me: ‘Why did you choose to stop and chat’. My reply: ‘Jesus loves you and He wants the very best for you’. I will be never forget her delight…

Lady fixing up her pretty garden thrilled to receive my prayer. ‘I wasn’t meant to be out here at all. Today you’ve really hit your people’, she uttered, close to tears.

Wonderful chat with elderly gentleman painting his garden wall. Cornucopia of tall tales and wisdom.

Precious time with beautiful Jesus in compact Adoration Chapel. Rest and renewal extraordinaire.

Lunch in Dunnes Stores cafe. Shared prayers with two elderly ladies -‘friends for donkeys years’, in their own words. Wonderful encounter. Friendship like theirs extremely heartwarming.

Waiting on return bus, young lady crying hysterically, (tears of bad decisions running down her face😌) told lady next to me that she can take no more of her terrible life and is about to jump in the river. No, she did not want a prayer, she told me angrily. Somehow, by the glorious Grace of God, she did not succeed today, although she tried. Dramatic and distressing for all. Poor beleaguered lady.

Loved my city break. Different city next time……..

‘Therefore, a growing intimacy with God deepens our sense of responsibility for others. It evokes in us an always increasing desire to bring the whole world with all it’s suffering and pains around the divine fire in our heart and to share the revitalising heat with all who want to come’.                                                 (Henri J.M. Nouwen/Compassion)

Monday, May 22, 2023

Christ has no body now on earth but yoursπŸ™πŸ»☀️

‘Go forth and set the world on fire’. (St. Ignatius of Loyola)

Holy Mass in Franciscan Friary this morning before catching bus to Cork city. Young lady in pew right in front crying continuously as she accepted my prayer. So glad I could do something, now all of Heaven are minding dear lady in her suffering.

On bus, young gentle guy, in dire straits, hard to articulate how I feel this night having made his acquaintance. I am blessed to have a dear kind lady who helps me help people like him. (Only God knows who she is and that’s the way she likes it. God Bless her big beautiful heart). He took my mobile number and tonight he rang to say: ‘Thank you very much. My wife is looking forward to meeting you’. When I return from Medugorje we will catch up for coffee please God.

I purchased a lighter backpack for sunnier days and young Ukrainian girl serving me beyond surprised to receive my prayer. (I told her my prayer has introduced me to many Ukrainian friends). Likewise young girl serving my tea, wearing countless earrings and nose rings. She was overjoyed and ‘of course’ she will pray it every morning.

Many others too. One young man was not wrong when he told me gravely: ‘There is a huge spirituality market out there right now’.

Homeless guy shared his shocking story of riches to rags and right now is in the process of turning his life around one step at a time. Hopeful taleπŸ•Š️ 

‘Christ has no body but yours, no hands, no feet on earth but yours’. (St. Teresa of Avila)

We are family❤️
                                                        Good night and God BlessπŸ™πŸ»πŸ’€πŸ’€

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Alone but never lonely🌟

‘If we discern and follow up a divine pattern, we can expect small beginnings to proceed to colossal conclusions’. (Frank Duff)

Strolling home from Holy Mass and realised I had left my wallet at home. I needed milk and right then I spied Ellen, dear friend from our schooldays of yore. Graciously she gave me 2€. Hugging as we parted company when a lady stopped to ask if she could have a hug too. Very funny!! More hugging!!

‘I have something even more wonderful for you both’, I told them, offering my prayer. Both of them read it, extremely surprised but delighted too. I told them that prayer-sharing is my vocation from Father God. I love to stroll around a city, sit with my homeless brothers and sisters in Christ, sharing my prayer and widow’s mite, swopping tales of woe and wonder. Problem is though, I know not a single person who shares my heart’s desire. Yes I have wonderful friends who accommodate and accompany me sometimes but it is just not ‘their thing’. Right now I am seriously contemplating doing it anyway, alone. Scary!

One of the ladies’ reply really and truly made my day: ‘You will not be alone, you have God with you. It will not be nearly as difficult as you think!. You are a people person’. 

Thank you Holy Spirit, giver of light and life. I hadn’t given it any thought but yesterday morning the idea of taking my vocation further afield lay waiting on my bedside locker when I awoke.

I think I will!! Just one/two night stay to begin with… 

‘Let us never forget that if we wish to die like the Saints we must live like them’.                                   (St. Eugene de Mazenod)

Then I noticed this fetching fuschia shining brightly alone in the beautiful Ivy! Bloom where we are planted☀️

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Beautiful day☀️πŸ™πŸ»

‘Our whole life is an adventure of love’. (Chiara Lubich)
First prayer-sharing encounter of the day, guy cutting grass. ‘I left school at thirteen years of age but you know ‘common sense’ is a whole lot of learning’, he told me. I love it!! He placed my prayer in his van in case it fell out of his pocket saying: ‘This is a very nice gesture’. 

One thing sharing my prayer with strangers but quite another offering to natives, nerve and courage definitely required. (Reminding me of wisdom from Holy Spirit to my deepest heart one time: ‘How can I give you more courage if you do not use the courage already in your heart!)

After Holy Mass, awesome Adoration of the most Blessed Sacrament. Deep reverential silence all around when the cuckoo in all his glory began to sing, clear as crystal. I truly cannot recall last time I heard the cuckoo. Precious! 

Chatting with Tamara, my Ukrainian friend, when out of the blue she uttered meaningfully: ‘God listens to your prayers’. Moving comforting words from a dear lady who knows deep suffering.

Soon after that, I offered John my prayer and right away he began to recount his recent appalling accident. ‘But you already know about it?’, he asked, pausing for a moment. (Why else would I offer him a prayer?). I did not, Holy Spirit prayer-sharing prompt!

Delighted to see Delivery guy at my door with my expected package. Turns out he knocked on wrong door, package was for folk next-door. After pointing him in the right direction, he happily accepted my prayer. (Yes, of course I offered him one!).’I know I should pray and now I will pray this’, he told me. ‘Happy mistake then’, I asked to which he replied: ‘Extremely happy mistake’.

Pat, travelling to New York at the weekend, took a bunch of my prayers to distribute amongst our dear homeless brothers and sisters.  

St. Anne’s Holy Rosary, beautiful, beyond words. No doubt about it whatsoever, prayer, song and laughter endure when all else has scarpered!!

Planning to purchase Mother Mary statue in Medugorje next week for our St. Anne’s Holy RosaryπŸ“Ώhuddle when kind gentle couple call to my door just now offering to pay for something we might use. Unbelievable!

‘Ours is an adventure with God, with life, with people, with each other’.                                        Catherine Doherty/Madonna House)

My own eagerly awaited package arrived too!! New runners for my trip to Medjurjie. Thankyou kind Derm.❤️
Killian picking me up from hospital three years ago today. Father God granted me a powerful miracle! I am beyond grateful, we all are. To be alive on this earth is the greatest gift of all. Glorious gift of Life.☀️
(No wonder today felt so special all day long!! Everything falling seamlessly into place. Thankyou Killian for reminding me of our happy homecoming three years ago today. Thrilled then. Thrilled now!πŸ™πŸ»☀️)


Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Be kind🌟

‘God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of Heaven and earth, is not served by human hands as though He needed anything since He Himself gives to all men life and breath and everything’. (Acts:17:24-25)

They arrived in our town only yesterday, two young students from El Salvador. What an encounter!!
Refugees, long story, both of them tired, relieved to be safe. Tad scared too.

Having listened for a while I advised them to rest for now and try suspend all planning. Life will unfold by the glorious Grace of God. ‘I really needed to hear those words right now’, uttered young man, dangerously close to tears..

I got to share my prayer and widow’s mite with them. They would only accept money (and then hesitatingly) when I assured them that I was in fact sharing God’s money. He owns everything! Next time we meet I will ask them about that great man of God, Saint Oscar Romero. Really looking forward to that! 

Every interaction is a transaction. All of us benefit☀️

‘I have been all things unholy; if God can work through me, He can work through anyone’. 
(St. Francis of Assisi)
Joan and I took a leisurely stroll outside, after Holy Rosary in St.Anne’s.πŸ“Ώ 
On my way home I spoke with Ukrainian lady who told me: ‘My home is gone. My territory is Russian now’.
 I cannot get in touch with Tanye (my Ukrainian daughter by choice!) who returned to Ukraine some time ago. I hope all is ok….
Business man told me irately that his business is failing because ‘Too many refugees and not enough tourists’….
Every single person on this planet is fighting a battle. Let us not add to their load even if we can do nothing to help.
Lovely chat with lady smoking cigarette outside Docter’s surgery. She accepted my prayer coughing a lot. I wonder if folk who invented cigarettes now wish they didn’t!!

My friend rang inviting me to dinner this evening in her house with some friends. What a gift!! 

End of a perfect day.☀️

‘Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm Spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset’. (St. Frances de Sales)

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Anything can happen☀️🌟

‘We go to God, not by walking but by loving’. (St. Augustine)

Had Joan and I not dropped by hotel for tea today, lady visiting our town would not have received all the prayers in my bag to distribute in the Nursing Home where she works as Care Assistant.

Same visiting lady would not be returning to her place of work too, many miles away, with elaborate plan to begin praying Holy Rosary with same Nursing Home clients just like we are privileged to enjoy with dear folk here in St. Anne’s. Sacred decades shared and divided, each and everyone taking part, little or a lot.πŸ“Ώ

Delightfully fruitful impromptu encounter! It is no secret what God can do!!

‘God reveals Himself in the midst of our faithfulness’. (Father Ciszek)

‘Are you bored with life? Then throw yourself into some work you believe in with all your heart. Live for it, die for it, and you will find happiness that you had thought could be never be yours’. (Dale Carnegie)


Live with passion⭐️🌟

“Truth sees God, wisdom contemplates God, and from these two comes a third, a Holy and wonderful delight in God, who is Love”. (St. Juliana of Norwich’.

Holy Mass this morning, I sang entrance hymn.  Adoration of the most Blessed Sacrament afterwards, one whole glorious hour at the Feet of Jesus. Assisting Father with baby’s Christening in the afternoon, I sang two hymns. After that, 3PM Live-streamed Holy Rosary, I sang two hymns. 

One who sings well prays twice!!

In between, beautiful prayer-sharing encounters that can only have been Holy Spirit sent! Young American guy accepted my prayer somewhat perplexed and then went on to tell me that he was raised Christian but……Gazing on Holy Alter and all around, he told me he had never in his life thus far stepped into a more magnificent Church. When I told him that I never know where my prayer will go, and oftentimes I don’t want to approach total strangers but I find myself doing it anyway, he uttered ‘Well I’m glad you did. Thankyou Bridget’. Holy Spirit awakening right before my eyes!

Young gifted artist guy who paints exceedingly dark paintings, almost disturbing. One year ago, seeing his paintings displayed I told Killian how thrilled I would be if he could somehow receive one of my prayers. Today, he did and I am beyond thrilled! He was happy too! I had not laid eyes on him before today and only afterwards discovered to my huge delight that my wish had been granted.πŸ‘©‍πŸŽ¨πŸ™πŸ» 

Young au pair from another country caring for two small children, happily took my prayer and replied surprised: ‘This is a really beautiful thing to do’.  Sharing my prayer with young folk makes my heart dance. Literally!!

Gentle elderly couple thrilled to receive my prayer too. As they walked intentionally away from me I marvelled at how utterly sublime is every stage in life. We must never dread ageing - but of course we must NEVER grow old!

When I told Ella who endures myriad ailments that she was looking particularly well today, her wonderful witty reply:

‘Daubs of powder and daubs of paint, makes a lady beautiful even though she ain’t’.

Don’t just live. Live with passion!!

‘Put your heart at His Feet. It is the gift He loves most’. (St. Elizabeth Ann Seton)

                                                   Quote from Second Vatican Council. 
‘A true apostle looks for opportunities to announce Christ by words addressed either to non-believers with the view of leading them to faith or to the faithful with a view to instructing, strengthening and encouraging them to a more fervent life’. (Decree for lay folk).

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

‘My Grace is with you right now’.☀️

“Use me then, my Saviour, for whatever purpose, and in whatever way, You may require. Here is my poor heart, an empty vessel; fill it with your Grace. Here is my sinful and troubled soul; quicken it and refresh it with your love’. (D.L. Moody)
‘Hello there’, I shouted across as she stepped from her impressive jeep. Because of me she shifted her gaze whacking her head off the car door. I felt absolutely awful, if only the ground would open up and swallow me right then. Kindly, she waved her hand, smiling that all was fine.

As I walked on, Holy Spirit prompt I’ve come to know so well. ‘Maybe you would like my beautiful morning prayer’, I asked, turning around. She accepted happily. By now she was linking another lady and so I offered her a prayer too. ‘Oh yes please’, lady uttered.

Grace-filled moment. Thing is, I learned later that second poor lady is in deep depression right now and has been for some time. Quickly my huge embarrassment turned to happiness -  All of Heaven will be minding her now.

Wonderfully weird prayer-sharing encounter. God’s ways are not ours!!

I stood near Holy Alter praying live-streamed Holy Rosary this morning, my mind elsewhere immersed in a thousand troubling things when gently, like a soft breeze, Jesus spoke these sublime words into my heart: ‘My Grace is with you right now’. Wow!!

Not in the past, not in the future - right now and every ‘right now’  till the end of time. Every ‘right now’ is a new ‘right now’ but it is always ‘right now’.

When I falter in a prayer-sharing moment, or anytime my mind takes flight, I will call to mind Jesus beautiful words: ‘My Grace is with you right now’. Peace instantly restored. I shall never tire of passing on to others this profound wisdom.

“My Grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness”. I will all the more gladly boast of my weaknesses that the power of Christ may rest upon me’. (2Corinthians:9)

“Give all your loving attention to each little moment. Think of this all your life through. Nothing of past. Nothing of the future. Only the present moment of Love”. 
(Jesus to Gabrielle Bossis/He&I)

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Homeward boundπŸš‚πŸšƒ

‘Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and will not be afraid; for the Lord God is my strength and my song, and He has become my salvation’. (Isaiah 12:2)

Wonderful trip home. Breakfast in Heuston Station before catching 11AM  train. No tea trolley, disappointing!! Amazing impromptu encounter though with lovely lady all the way to Mallow. Time flew by as it always does when wise words flow freely. She took extra prayers to share with friends. 

On train to Mallow, Stefan from Germany kindly placed my case on overhead rack and offered to swop seats if I would prefer seat facing forward. Pleasant handsome young guy who accepted my prayer in fits of laughter but then solemnly declared: ‘I know about Christian!’. Delightful encounter too.

Ed accepting my prayer in train station told me: ‘Well, I’ve been in fifteen car crashes and fallen 35 feet, so definitely someone is keeping me alive’. He has never driven, he informed me, willing passenger every time, just ‘enjoying my time with my pals’. ‘But I don’t do that anymore’, he uttered. ‘My life is better now’. Uplifting tale of survival and redemption!!

Waiting on bus, Joe seated on bench near me, eyed my much needed bar of chocolate and relieved me of half. Then he asked pretty girl waiting too if she would let him have a cigarette. Pretty girl and Joe both happily accepted my prayer. Pretty girl exclaimed’ ‘This (prayer) has made my day’. Random exceedingly enjoyable encounter!

On bus home finally, seated next to Nadia from Ukraine. Her Mother, Catholic, Father, Orthodox. She enjoys both. Loving my prayer, will pray it every morning with her ten year old son and then she takes a picture of Jesus from her purse. Her husband and brothers are fighting for their homeland. She ‘very hope’  they will be safe. (Hard to imagine how I might cope in Nadia’s country were the roles reversed!!) Sombre interaction but we laughed lots too. 

I left home almost a week ago with thirty prayers, I return with just one.πŸ˜€

Here at last in this cozy compact cottage I am so thrilled and blessed to call Home. Beyond tired but oh so grateful to God for my wonderfully simple uncomplicated life. 

‘I have one passion, it is Christ, Christ alone’. (Count Zinzendorf)

Ravenous Jim🐈 waiting patiently for my returnπŸ˜€

Friday, May 5, 2023

Sunshiny day☀️

‘Nothing seems tiresome or painful when you are working for a Master who pays well: who rewards even a cup of cold water given for love of Him’. (St. Dominic Savio)

‘Rite for the distribution of Holy Communion’ by lay Eucharistic Minister in Church this morning. Priest unavailable for the celebration of Holy Mass. 

Afterwards I had the surprise privilege of chatting with yesterday’s ‘free book’  author. Wonderfully interesting encounter, the kind that makes my heart dance. As we talked, lady walking slowly on crutches entered Church. She asked if it was ok to be there and author replied: ‘Yes indeed. Somebody up there waiting to see you’, directing lady to Holy Tabernacle.

Later, lady, accepting my prayer, told me that she is new to this area. She suffers greatly with arthritis and every time she enters Church, she dissolves into floods of tears. Author’s words somewhat prophetic methinks!

I look forward to chatting with author again one day please God. His book a real page-turner and having met him now makes it all the more captivating. He informed me laughingly that while he received his third-level education in UCC, his fourth-level education was gleaned from delightful time spent residing in Kerry.

He liked my prayer too - ‘It is in the tradition’, he remarked happily, adding: ‘The ‘Our Father’ of course is the best prayer of all’. (Given to us by Jesus Himself!)

Many others accepted happily my prayer too including young florist adorning Church for today’s wedding.

Me and my prayer - Adventure extraordinaire!!

‘Cheerfulness prepares a glorious mind for all the noblest acts’. (St. Elizabeth Ann Seton)

   Minding their own business.πŸ“πŸ“πŸ“πŸ“
Beautiful Brittas 🏝️
We are family.❤️☀️