Saturday, May 13, 2023

Live with passion⭐️🌟

“Truth sees God, wisdom contemplates God, and from these two comes a third, a Holy and wonderful delight in God, who is Love”. (St. Juliana of Norwich’.

Holy Mass this morning, I sang entrance hymn.  Adoration of the most Blessed Sacrament afterwards, one whole glorious hour at the Feet of Jesus. Assisting Father with baby’s Christening in the afternoon, I sang two hymns. After that, 3PM Live-streamed Holy Rosary, I sang two hymns. 

One who sings well prays twice!!

In between, beautiful prayer-sharing encounters that can only have been Holy Spirit sent! Young American guy accepted my prayer somewhat perplexed and then went on to tell me that he was raised Christian but……Gazing on Holy Alter and all around, he told me he had never in his life thus far stepped into a more magnificent Church. When I told him that I never know where my prayer will go, and oftentimes I don’t want to approach total strangers but I find myself doing it anyway, he uttered ‘Well I’m glad you did. Thankyou Bridget’. Holy Spirit awakening right before my eyes!

Young gifted artist guy who paints exceedingly dark paintings, almost disturbing. One year ago, seeing his paintings displayed I told Killian how thrilled I would be if he could somehow receive one of my prayers. Today, he did and I am beyond thrilled! He was happy too! I had not laid eyes on him before today and only afterwards discovered to my huge delight that my wish had been granted.πŸ‘©‍πŸŽ¨πŸ™πŸ» 

Young au pair from another country caring for two small children, happily took my prayer and replied surprised: ‘This is a really beautiful thing to do’.  Sharing my prayer with young folk makes my heart dance. Literally!!

Gentle elderly couple thrilled to receive my prayer too. As they walked intentionally away from me I marvelled at how utterly sublime is every stage in life. We must never dread ageing - but of course we must NEVER grow old!

When I told Ella who endures myriad ailments that she was looking particularly well today, her wonderful witty reply:

‘Daubs of powder and daubs of paint, makes a lady beautiful even though she ain’t’.

Don’t just live. Live with passion!!

‘Put your heart at His Feet. It is the gift He loves most’. (St. Elizabeth Ann Seton)

                                                   Quote from Second Vatican Council. 
‘A true apostle looks for opportunities to announce Christ by words addressed either to non-believers with the view of leading them to faith or to the faithful with a view to instructing, strengthening and encouraging them to a more fervent life’. (Decree for lay folk).

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