Sunday, May 21, 2023

Alone but never lonely๐ŸŒŸ

‘If we discern and follow up a divine pattern, we can expect small beginnings to proceed to colossal conclusions’. (Frank Duff)

Strolling home from Holy Mass and realised I had left my wallet at home. I needed milk and right then I spied Ellen, dear friend from our schooldays of yore. Graciously she gave me 2€. Hugging as we parted company when a lady stopped to ask if she could have a hug too. Very funny!! More hugging!!

‘I have something even more wonderful for you both’, I told them, offering my prayer. Both of them read it, extremely surprised but delighted too. I told them that prayer-sharing is my vocation from Father God. I love to stroll around a city, sit with my homeless brothers and sisters in Christ, sharing my prayer and widow’s mite, swopping tales of woe and wonder. Problem is though, I know not a single person who shares my heart’s desire. Yes I have wonderful friends who accommodate and accompany me sometimes but it is just not ‘their thing’. Right now I am seriously contemplating doing it anyway, alone. Scary!

One of the ladies’ reply really and truly made my day: ‘You will not be alone, you have God with you. It will not be nearly as difficult as you think!. You are a people person’. 

Thank you Holy Spirit, giver of light and life. I hadn’t given it any thought but yesterday morning the idea of taking my vocation further afield lay waiting on my bedside locker when I awoke.

I think I will!! Just one/two night stay to begin with… 

‘Let us never forget that if we wish to die like the Saints we must live like them’.                                   (St. Eugene de Mazenod)

Then I noticed this fetching fuschia shining brightly alone in the beautiful Ivy! Bloom where we are planted☀️

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