Thursday, May 18, 2023

Beautiful day☀️πŸ™πŸ»

‘Our whole life is an adventure of love’. (Chiara Lubich)
First prayer-sharing encounter of the day, guy cutting grass. ‘I left school at thirteen years of age but you know ‘common sense’ is a whole lot of learning’, he told me. I love it!! He placed my prayer in his van in case it fell out of his pocket saying: ‘This is a very nice gesture’. 

One thing sharing my prayer with strangers but quite another offering to natives, nerve and courage definitely required. (Reminding me of wisdom from Holy Spirit to my deepest heart one time: ‘How can I give you more courage if you do not use the courage already in your heart!)

After Holy Mass, awesome Adoration of the most Blessed Sacrament. Deep reverential silence all around when the cuckoo in all his glory began to sing, clear as crystal. I truly cannot recall last time I heard the cuckoo. Precious! 

Chatting with Tamara, my Ukrainian friend, when out of the blue she uttered meaningfully: ‘God listens to your prayers’. Moving comforting words from a dear lady who knows deep suffering.

Soon after that, I offered John my prayer and right away he began to recount his recent appalling accident. ‘But you already know about it?’, he asked, pausing for a moment. (Why else would I offer him a prayer?). I did not, Holy Spirit prayer-sharing prompt!

Delighted to see Delivery guy at my door with my expected package. Turns out he knocked on wrong door, package was for folk next-door. After pointing him in the right direction, he happily accepted my prayer. (Yes, of course I offered him one!).’I know I should pray and now I will pray this’, he told me. ‘Happy mistake then’, I asked to which he replied: ‘Extremely happy mistake’.

Pat, travelling to New York at the weekend, took a bunch of my prayers to distribute amongst our dear homeless brothers and sisters.  

St. Anne’s Holy Rosary, beautiful, beyond words. No doubt about it whatsoever, prayer, song and laughter endure when all else has scarpered!!

Planning to purchase Mother Mary statue in Medugorje next week for our St. Anne’s Holy RosaryπŸ“Ώhuddle when kind gentle couple call to my door just now offering to pay for something we might use. Unbelievable!

‘Ours is an adventure with God, with life, with people, with each other’.                                        Catherine Doherty/Madonna House)

My own eagerly awaited package arrived too!! New runners for my trip to Medjurjie. Thankyou kind Derm.❤️
Killian picking me up from hospital three years ago today. Father God granted me a powerful miracle! I am beyond grateful, we all are. To be alive on this earth is the greatest gift of all. Glorious gift of Life.☀️
(No wonder today felt so special all day long!! Everything falling seamlessly into place. Thankyou Killian for reminding me of our happy homecoming three years ago today. Thrilled then. Thrilled now!πŸ™πŸ»☀️)


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