Friday, May 26, 2023

Medugorje ☀️πŸ™πŸ»

‘The Advocate, the Holy Spirit that the Father will send in my Name - He will teach you everything and remind you of all that I told you’. (John 14:26)

Eleven hour Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament last night in Church of St. James. Radiation therapy! On way home from precious moments with beautiful Jesus, impromptu insightful sharing with lovely lady from Korea. She took a bunch of my prayers to distribute in her Church. 

Last evening I met V. Tiny lady from Romania. Hope we meet again! I never met anyone so filled with self-forgetting joy in my whole life. She told me, amongst many other things:’Adore Jesus as a little child. He wishes to be known as ‘King of Mercy’. That way you will be happy forever’. Profound wisdom emanating from this dainty lady. When I asked if she was ok for everything, she replied: ‘Yes, I have my pension’. ‘Me too’, I said. Kindred spirits! About my prayer she remarked: ‘Beautiful prayer. Everyone is there’. 

V gifted me this extremely powerful novena, particularly poignant having recently spent time in Prague. Beautiful Infant of Prague Church magnificently moving.

I needed to change rooms last night and now today from my balcony I behold Cross mountain. All working out seamlessly through gracious guidance of dear Holy Spirit.

Holy Mass this morning, I cried as choir sang: ‘Lady of Knock, Queen of Ireland’ and whole congregation joined in. Dearest Mother Mary please intercede for our dear country. Amen

Was sure I brought with me far too many prayers but now it looks like I did not bring enough. (I brought loads!!) Wish I could put in words my many and varied prayer-sharing encounters thus far. Exhilarating and amazing, Divine appointments each and every one. Grace flowing in abundance, Holy Spirit moving powerfully.

Holy Rosary at Blue Cross with my sister Ann and husband Mike who suffered brain bleed last year, beyond precious!

                                           Keep us safe O God. You are our only hope. Amen

                                                                  Cork airport✈️

‘We have in Heaven the heart of a mother. The Virgin, our Mother, who at the foot of the cross suffered as much as possible for a human creature, understands our troubles and consoles us’. (St. Leopoldo Mandic)

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