Friday, May 5, 2023

Sunshiny day☀️

‘Nothing seems tiresome or painful when you are working for a Master who pays well: who rewards even a cup of cold water given for love of Him’. (St. Dominic Savio)

‘Rite for the distribution of Holy Communion’ by lay Eucharistic Minister in Church this morning. Priest unavailable for the celebration of Holy Mass. 

Afterwards I had the surprise privilege of chatting with yesterday’s ‘free book’  author. Wonderfully interesting encounter, the kind that makes my heart dance. As we talked, lady walking slowly on crutches entered Church. She asked if it was ok to be there and author replied: ‘Yes indeed. Somebody up there waiting to see you’, directing lady to Holy Tabernacle.

Later, lady, accepting my prayer, told me that she is new to this area. She suffers greatly with arthritis and every time she enters Church, she dissolves into floods of tears. Author’s words somewhat prophetic methinks!

I look forward to chatting with author again one day please God. His book a real page-turner and having met him now makes it all the more captivating. He informed me laughingly that while he received his third-level education in UCC, his fourth-level education was gleaned from delightful time spent residing in Kerry.

He liked my prayer too - ‘It is in the tradition’, he remarked happily, adding: ‘The ‘Our Father’ of course is the best prayer of all’. (Given to us by Jesus Himself!)

Many others accepted happily my prayer too including young florist adorning Church for today’s wedding.

Me and my prayer - Adventure extraordinaire!!

‘Cheerfulness prepares a glorious mind for all the noblest acts’. (St. Elizabeth Ann Seton)

   Minding their own business.πŸ“πŸ“πŸ“πŸ“
Beautiful Brittas 🏝️
We are family.❤️☀️

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