Wednesday, May 3, 2023

On the road again. 🚌 πŸš‚ πŸšƒ

Bus driver less than helpful as he bade me : ‘Pop your case up there’. I managed with a struggle. ‘He could have done better’, I told myself dejectedly. Just then guy got on and asked: ‘May I pay on the way back’ to which ‘unhelpful’ driver replied: ‘ No problem’. Next on, young girl with Downs Syndrome and again ‘unhelpful’ driver greeted her warmly. Got me thinking how often we prematurely judge another on one poor performance!

Train journey delightful as always. Guy in wheelchair with rosary beads tattooed on his wrist (he kept losing his real one!) accepted my prayer. Guy reading ‘Racing Post’, young girl and Ukrainian lady too. Scintillating conversation with university lecturer who is ‘spiritual not religious’. She placed my prayer in her bag just because she like it. (Thing is, my seat number was in carriage F but in error I sat in carriage E. Happy mistake!)

First Tea trolley on train since lockdowns, icing on the proverbial cake!! 

Waiting on Derm in Heuston Station, I spied young lady gingerly approaching middle-aged couple. They totally ignored her and so she made her way towards me. Three security guys stood watching nearby as Esther and I chatted. Earlier I watched same three guys eject a lady from the station so I guessed Esther must be ok. She needed €20 for a hostel, in return I asked if she would pray for my family. She happily accepted my prayer too.

I don’t know if Esther needed my money for a hostel or something else but her prayer is precious, I know that for sure. I feel sorry for middle-aged couple who missed out on something beautiful. A mere ‘hello’ and €2 would have sufficed and all they would have gained! Esther may have been penniless but she was not empty handed.🎁

                                  ‘The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want’. (Psalm 23:1)

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