Thursday, December 31, 2020

Time to go.❤️

                 ‘God wants us to forget each doubt and every fear’. (St. Julienne of Norwich).

Time to return to their own lives, Ruairi and Diarmuid leave today. My ‘little bit heavy’ heart is a whole lot grateful to God for eight wonderful days packed with all things bright and beautiful. Oh how we would love one more day but no matter how many, we always wish for one more….. 

At nineteen years of age, I left my home in Kerry for the bright lights of Dublin. My boys must fly too. For them, Cahersiveen is good to come back to, not stay. Big world waiting to be discovered.

 ‘A ship is safe in the harbour but it was not built for the harbour’. (William Shedd)

Worsening worrying pandemic does not dim our high hopes of meeting up soon again, le Cunamh De. We will continue on doing what we are asked to do here on earth, Father God will take care of the rest. 

‘There is only one thing we must all do, and that is employ well the time and powers at our disposal. Only thus shall we realise our destiny, and that is the whole purpose of Life’. (Dom Augustine Guillerand)

Thank you from my deepest heart, Holy Trinity, One God. To do Your Will is my desire, today and forever. Dearest Mother Mary, you are our Beautiful Mother from God. Amen.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Kells Cealunach.☀️🙏🏻


Kells Cealunach, Garden of Remembrance for stillborn children. Unmarked graves, pointed stones sticking up out of the sad sorrowful ground. Oftentimes interred under the cloak of darkness, poor parents suffering deep shame. 

What would they think of abortion I wonder......

Idyllic view cast an eerie calmness. We prayed as we tip-toed in reverence.

Today, 2nd October 2021, Holy Mass celebrated in this Sacred space. Mine was the poignant privilege to sing the final hymn:  ‘Suffer little children to come unto Me’. My uncle Fionnain is interred in this hallowed ground.☀️🙏🏻

Today, 10th September 2022, Holy Mass celebrated in this sacred sacrosanct space. My privilege again to sing: ‘Suffer little children to come unto me’. ☀️🙏🏻

Tuesday, December 29, 2020


Cill Rialigh famine village speaks for itself. Enough to gaze in wonder, disbelief. Glorious day gifted to us, sunshine and bitter cold, sublime combination.

How folk lived in this open unsheltered spot makes me contemplate how utterly mollycoddled we are in this our day and time. Attitude of gratitude the only appropriate response, even in the midst of pandemic such as we are.

‘Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven’. (Matthew 5:3))

Divine Beauty.☀️

Valentina Island Slate Quarry, Mother Mary and Saint Bernadette tucked into the cleft of the rock. Magnificent, majestic.

 ‘Inarticulate murmurs dies away while the eternal ages watch and wait’. (Henry Longfellow)

Spiritual Beings having a human experience, the ‘Sacred’ draws us, diverts our gaze, lifting us above the mundane and humdrum. 

Divine Beauty resides in our souls. When we get a glimpse, like we did today, it touches a deeper awareness in us. For a moment in time we are whole.

‘You have made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You’.                     (St. Agustine)

Monday, December 28, 2020

All for the Glory of God.🕯

‘Humble-pie doesn’t taste very good but is highly nutritious to the soul’. (Derick Bingham)

Really looking forward to singing my new hymn at Holy Mass, nervous too. However, it did not go well, dismal in fact. I started too low and from that first note, downhill all the way. If the congregation assumed they were going to be regaled, well, they were in for a shock.

Where normally people remain until the end, on this occasion, steady stream departed silently. I felt humiliated, bruised, and a whole other plethora of unwelcome emotions.

Right then, Beautiful Holy Spirit reminded me of something I wrote in a blog; (Holy Mass on my Ipad; March 15th). ‘Well you did say that your performance was never needed, just your participation’. 

Wow! Distinct moment of Grace enabling me to move on, walk tall with my new piece of humility pinned to my heart. I forgot to remember that it is never about me, it is always about glorifying God.

Thank you Kind Lord, You have the message of Eternal Life

‘Nothing has the slightest importance in time that doesn’t count for Eternity’. (He and I)

‘God respects me when I work, but He loves me when I sing’. (Ravindranath Tagore)

Sunday, December 27, 2020

We saw the Sea. 🌊


Storm Bella raging, stove blazing, we sat cozy in our little cottage safe and secure from the wind and rain. ‘Let’s go see the waves’, says Ruairi. Cuascrom beach a giant Jacuzzi, spectacular, ethereal, dusk creeping over the land. Enlivened, fresh sharp clean air waking us out of our lethargy and loafing.

Soon enough they will be gone back to their own lives. Right here, right now, we are together, loving every minute. Corona has no say in the matter.

‘To be happy at home is the ultimate result of all ambition’. (Samuel Johnson)

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Paulina’s Book. 📖

Corona is the reason Paulina is beginning to write her book today. She cannot visit us in Kerry, we cannot visit her in Cork, nothing to do but begin writing. Adverse conditions can be the catalyst for so much greatness. No matter where we hail from, South Africa or remotest Kerry, we are, all of us, fundamentally the same. We defer, postpone until conditions are perfect, until we are ‘in the zone’. Hence the axiom; ‘Procrastination is the secret of failure’.

Writing is so liberating. One must begin for the creative juices to flow, waiting for inspiration rarely works. Once the mind is aware there’s a task in hand, it steps up to the plate, gifting, surprising us with gems and diamonds.

Title: ‘To be a Refugee in Ireland’.

I can shake off everything as I write; my sorrows disappear, my courage is reborn. But, and that is the great question, will I ever be able to write anything great, will I ever become a journalist or a writer’. (Anne Frank)

Friday, December 25, 2020

Christmas Day 2020.🙏🏻

Designated singer unable to sing at dawn Holy Mass in the little country Church and so the privilege was mine. Only ability God needs from us is our availability. No live streaming, Holy Mass in its reverent completeness, unembellished like olden times. Slice of Heaven on earth on this Holiest of days, calling to mind my childhood days in the sunny long ago.

Christmas morning in our humble loving home, my Dad and I would cycle five miles to Holy Mass. Only one bicycle between us, I would set off cycling, my Dad walking. After a while, I would leave the bicycle and begin walking. When my Dad caught up, he would cycle, overtake me and after a while leave the bicycle again, and so it went. 

Eventually, we would arrive at our Sacred destination. I recall the beauty of it all, the whole thing, with joy and love in abundance. Christmas Day, sacrosanct then, sacrosanct now.

Singing at Christmas Holy Mass this morning evoked not only my childhood memory but an ancient reverence too. Elderly priest standing in awe, gazing on Baby Jesus lying in the manger touched my deepest soul. Reminded in a deeper way that God sent His only Son into this cold, oftentimes uncaring world, so I would have life and have it in abundance, mind boggling, confounding.

Myriad times I yearned to be chosen to sing at Christmas Holy Mass, I never was. God sees the end from the beginning, He knew exactly how it would all pan out, my journey to here fundamental and exceedingly valuable for my arrival at this Holiest of days, Christmas 2020.

Had my wish been granted earlier, a lot of dead-end learning for me.

Thankyou precious Lord, from my deepest heart, to do Your Will is my desire.

‘Lord, I give myself to you as a present. I don’t otherwise know what to do with who I am. Please let me exchange this weak and fragile self for Your Goodness. I place it in Your Hands. Amen’.                        (St. Catherine of Genoa)

This morning, 23rd May 2021, Pentecost Sunday, Birthday of our Church, when Wonderful Holy Spirit came to the Apostles filling them with courage to go forth and preach the Gospel. 
My privilege again to sing at Holy Mass in this little country Church.
First Holy Mass celebrated here since I sang last Christmas morning.
My cup runneth over! Sacred Bookends. Allelulia,

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Christmas party 2020.🎄🎆

On this Holiest of nights we traveled home to Cahersiveen. Eric, Fiona and family traveled back home Middleton. Moon shining down, hushed stillness tangible, our hearts brimming with gratitude to God for a wonderful day in Kilarney National Park. 

Every Christmas for the past few years, we would all gather together in Middleton for our wonderful joyous family Christmas party. Not so this year, Corona threw a spanner in the works and so our rendezvous in Killarney National Park. 

We walked, talked, laughed loads, took copious photographs, enjoyed Macdonalds comfort food. Very different Christmas party but delightful nevertheless. Being together again all that mattered.

Back home, we attended Christmas night Holy Mass, standing in awe at Holy Crib. Beautiful Holy Family before our adoring eyes, Baby Jesus, born anew in our hearts. Allelulia.

“So God henceforth will be human and human beings will be caught up in God. He will stay with them always, the same forever alongside them, until this world is wrapped up and done with”. 
(St. John of the Cross)

             Magnums 🍦🍦🍦 after Holy Mass Midleton Christmas 2019, before Corona came a calling.......


Wednesday, December 23, 2020

⛰ Mountain.

My favourite mountain in the whole world, snow capped, gifting me with her magnificence, expecting nothing in return. Filling up my senses like a night in the forest! (To quote John Denver RIP)

Pandemic worsening, my magnificent mountain balm to my soul. World declares;’All is awry’. Mountain replies; ‘All is fine. Trust in God and do good’.

‘O tall mountains of confidence in God, you never surrender when The Lord tests you! Although you stand far away from me as if in exile, all alone, you remind me that no armed power is strong enough to best you. Your trust in God is wonderful’. (Hildegard of Bingen)

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Driving home for Christmas.🎄

Beginning to look a lot like Christmas, Ruairi and Diarmuid home safe and sound Thank God. My heart is bursting with joy and gratitude to God as they walk through the door. Ruairi forgot to play Chris Rea’s ‘Driving Home for Christmas’, his longtime dream. No problem!! All is well Thank God.

Stove lighting, wind howling, conditions perfect. Corona firmly outside the walls of this compact cottage we call Home, safe haven in these tumultuous times. What a Mighty God we serve. 

‘For it is good to be children sometimes, and never better than at Christmas, when it’s Mighty Founder was a Child Himself’. (Charles Dickens)

Monday, December 21, 2020

Don’t worry about it.😀😀

On my way to Holy Mass this morning I met John. ‘Did you get the Red Berry Holly I left at your door’, he asked. ‘Was it you John’, I replied - ‘Thank you so much, the nicest holly I ever laid my eyes upon’. ‘You’re welcome, don’t worry about it’ John replied beaming. 

John has no idea how much he lifted my heart and shifted my gaze. Vulnerable, John knows all about suffering. Recently too he has been extremely ill, his family and friends hugely concerned. 

Thing is, my heart was heavy this morning, then Jesus shows up in the person of John uttering those wise words: Don’t worry about it’. In an instant, calm descended as I continued on my way to Holy Mass unbound, unfettered. 

In Centra Store later, I spied Micheál in the queue looking tired and cold. As I carried his basket of shopping to his car he told me he left his walking stick at home by mistake. Very obviously he was in some pain and discomfort. ‘Would you like to link me’, I asked. ‘Oh no’, he replied laughing, ‘Someone might say, isn’t it soon he got married’.

Micheál’s dear wife Kathleen passed away in the past year and he does not enjoy Christmas anymore, he says, tearfully. By the time we reached his car, he was cheerful again.

Thank you gentle folk, you made my day, in these tumultuous times of fragile peace and broken promises.

                     ‘Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in me’. (John 14:1)

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Sacred Space.🌟

‘Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication’. (Leonardo Da Vinci).

This morning I had the awesome privilege of singing at Holy Mass in this compact country Church, reminiscent of my childhood. Glorious stroll down memory lane. 

‘O Come let us adore Him’, soaring from my deepest heart. I holding the simple microphone, Jesus singing, as always.

Outside, afterwards, people wearing masks chatted in the bitter cold. ‘I don’t know about this Pandemic’ uttered one lady. ‘I think God must be very angry, He ran out of patience with us’. 

‘Calm and Joy are the outward expressions of Adoration’. (Jesus: God calling).

Thursday, December 17, 2020


Alzheimer’s entered Marie’s world some years ago, my precious privilege to be her companion for a time. I remember vividly our first day. We prayed Holy Rosary, strolled in the sunshine wearing our floppy sun hats and drank tea. Seamlessly our adventure began and for the next five years that pretty much remained our pattern and plan. 

Oftentimes she would gift me a piece of her jewellery. Unbeknownst to her, I would return it safely to her husband Michael. Kind generous Marie got to give, and she got to keep.

She would play her grand piano while I sat enthralled. ‘Mockingbird Hill’ stands out, ‘Enjoy yourself, Enjoy yourself, it’s later than you think’, too. As her world became unrecognisable and problematic, her piano brought her comfort and joy. We both loved to sing too. Recording of us both singing ‘My Bonny lies over the ocean’ gold dust now.

When all else faded away, our Holy Rosary remained. Prayer is not just powerful, it is fundamental to our lives, the essence of our being. In actual fact I would go so far as to say, that with time, all else is an illusion, a bucket of sand.

In our final months together, Marie resting, I praying aloud by her side, she would oftentimes open her eyes, touch my face and whisper softly  ‘You’re a great girl’. I never forget our beautiful times.

Thank you beautiful Marie for enriching my life with your gentle presence. No sadness as I write these words, you danced into my heart first time we met, you never left and you never will.

Because of you Marie, I know who God is.

‘Nothing has the slightest importance in time that does not count for eternity’. (Jesus to Gabriel Bossis; God

Jesus instructs His disciples: ‘If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example that you should do as I have done to you,           (John 13: 14-17)

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Christmas in Kilarney.🎄🌟

Strolling at my ease around Kilarney, pure adulterated pleasure. Christmas decorations impressive, eye-catching, Corona out of sight and out of mind just for today.

Mary surprised by my visit, rendering our rendezvous joyfully exciting. Anxious and fearful first thing every morning. ‘What do you do’, I ask her. ‘I bless myself with Lourdes Holy water and then I’m fine again’, she says. 

Mary wears her scars lightly, spending time with her is sitting at the Feet of Christ. She is lonely for her family, living and passed on, particularly at Christmas time and dearly longs to be back in her home town once more. I remind her of her cozy corner and her kind carers and instantly her sunshine smile is returns. Definitely something about Mary.

In the quiet of the Franciscan Friary, prayer and meditation engulf me. Entering that Heavenly place is to leave the world and all it’s baggage behind. Four men erecting the tallest Christmas tree ever, as well as putting the finishing touches to the Friary’s splendid crib. Peaceful silence mostly, except for a split second when all seemed to be going awry and unrestrained laughter erupts. 

Probably happiest of all is homeless guy sitting on the cold cement, loyal dog at his feet, guitar taking a breather. How little material wealth has to do with our joie de vivre. ‘I have many good friends’, happy homeless guy is telling the young man soaking up his every word. Wishing I could sit awhile, hear his story, but had to run and catch my bus home.

 Next time le Cunamh De. I love Killarney ❤️

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Mentor Mary.❤️

When Mary was sixty four, I was forty six, both of us older now. How can I articulate what Mary means to me, whatever I write will be puny, paltry by comparison to what my heart knows and loves.

Mentor, care-giver, sharer of all things necessary and beautiful, most of all a lady of deep faith who led me along a sunlit path. Full of life, Mary no gloomy Christian, a joyous heart reflected in her countenance, hail, rain, or shine.

After Holy Mass in Swords, we would have coffee in her cozy home. One morning she made me ‘Bisto’ by mistake, otherwise known as gravy. Stirring my weak ‘coffee’ many times changed nothing, strange aroma too. Just one of our many fun times.

Mary was well aware of my home situation, Eric’s alcohol problem and the terrible sufferings entailed. Always so helpful, never in a pushy bossy way, empathetic and considerate at all times. I remember forever her words on one occasion; ‘You can only do what you can do, but remember dear, you will not hold on to your health if you endure much more of that life’.

Thank you Mary for every single thing. Like I said at the outset, far too much to mention, my meagre words just the tip of the iceberg. God used you in a powerful way, as He continues to do every day. You are the Hands and Feet of our Dear Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ and my greatest desire is to be His Hands and Feet too.

‘There is no friend like an old friend who has walked life’s road with you, easy to get on with like a worn well-fitting shoe. There’s no friend like an old friend, when blows fall and troubles brew. It’s good to turn to somebody who knows you through and through’. (Patience Strong)

Friday, December 11, 2020

The Real Derry girls.🌷🌷

We met in Knock, 2019, Sabrina from Derry, I from Kerry. My friend Ann had just died, Sabrina was a wonderful prayerful support in those early days. Her gentle kind demeanour balm to my aching spirit. We exchanged numbers, who knows, we might meet again, don’t know where, don’t know when.

One year later, November 2020, Sabrina messaged, asking if I would like to be part of their Holy Rosary WhatsApp group, glorious invitation from Beautiful Mother Mary.

We pray Holy Rosary, Chaplet of Divine Mercy, beautiful meditations before each decade, Psalms. We sing hymns. We laugh a lot, the Joy of The Lord permeates throughout. Chridessa is Sabrina’s twin sister, hard to tell when one leaves off and the other begins. Both exquisitely walking with Jesus coz He knows the way.

I have always loved the Northern Ireland accent, now I get to enjoy hear it every day. 

Prayer is the life blood of the soul, it brings God’s Light. The Holy Spirit brings peace and consolation when we pray. 

Thank you Father God, your surprises are always the best, my new Prayer pals are a very welcome addition to my life. A Sacred Space in these tumultuous times.

‘What wings are to a bird and sails to a ship, so is Prayer to a soul’. (Corrie Ten Boom)


Thursday, December 10, 2020

Christmas Crib.🎄

In the Charity shop window this beautiful crib flagged me down. Knitted lovingly by somebody one time, now sadly discarded. Twenty three euro it cost me, a bargain. Sad to see such an exquisite piece abandoned but for me what a ‘find’. 

Perfect for Helen’s Cafe. I would lend it to her, not give, it danced right into my heart the moment I set my eyes on it. Helen loved it too, conversation starter, it took on a life all of its own. Well, is anything in this world more full of life than the humble Crib!!

After Christmas I didn’t take it back, I would leave it with Helen for another Christmas. However, this year Helen’s Cafe closed, Corona anxiety. Beautiful crib is mine again. 

Today, I put the beautiful figures in a large brown envelope and posted it to my grandchildren, their very own crib. While they look forward to Santa, they will be reminded to await the Birth of Jesus too. It will be loved and cared for, they will be fascinated never having seen anything like it, ever. 

Thank you, gifted knitter, you brought Baby Jesus to my grandchildren this Christmas, your beautiful crib is home.

‘And the Word was made flesh and dwelt amongst us’. (John 1:14)

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Only the present moment of Love.🌺

“Give all your loving attention to each little moment. Think of this all your life through. Nothing of the past. Nothing of the future. Only the present moment of Love”. (Jesus beautiful words to Gabriel Bossis) 

Jesus is offering us a care-free way of living, if we would just place our trust in Him. He walked this earth, He knows how difficult life can be, if we would but follow Him. Jesus does not just know the way: He is The Way. ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me’. (John 14:6)

In the Transfiguration, when Jesus was being glorified on Mount Tabor, Father God spoke from Heaven; ‘This is my Beloved Son, listen to Him’. Sadly, up and down the centuries, that sublime invitation has fallen mostly on deaf ears. Yes, we walk by Faith, but it is my experience that the deeper my walk with Jesus, signs and wonders light up my path, fortifying my belief, letting me know I am on the right path. Jesus walks with me, I am never alone, of this I am certain and extremely grateful, every minute of every day.

‘The soul that has God as it’s best friend trusts God, because the soul knows that God always organises everything for the best’. (Mechthild of Magdeburg)

Directly after Holy Mass today, we were privileged to have Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Radiation therapy of the highest order. As Father was exposing The Blessed Sacrament on the Holy Alter, almost all of the congregation got up from their seats and walked out the door, rushing to get on with their care-filled lives, I was so sad for Jesus, I wanted to cry. I was sad for the people who left too, they did not know Who they were ignoring. 

My heart was pierced deeper still, seeing the first Holy Communion Class being led out the door by their teachers. How excited the children would have been had they been told, that the selfsame Jesus they will be receiving into their souls for the very first time in a few short months was gazing on each one of them and all of us with pure Love, from the Holy Alter.

‘No one can give to another that which he possesses not himself’. (St. John Vianney)

Imagine if you will, Pope Francis offering Holy Mass in our Church this morning. Now that would be a totally different scenario. Paparazzi, celebration, queues, excitement, total reverence, everyone hanging on to his every word. That is how it should be of course, but how much more then should we behave in the presence of Jesus, our beautiful Lord and Saviour. Were we to stop and think for one minute, we might just be aghast with ourselves, totally horrified even.

Visiting with a therapist who promises everything for a hefty sum, seems to be far more palatable to us than placing our trust in Jesus who yearns to shower His Grace on us, asking nothing in return. What if God would begin to charge a fee?. Would we flock to Him then? But then why would He? God owns everything, all the money in the world is His. We own nothing but our free will. We would simply be returning to Him what is rightfully His. 

Oh the peace and serenity we miss because we forget to remember that God is our Father. We forget that His Love envelopes us and that He has our best at heart, all the time.

‘I would feed you with the finest of the wheat, and with honey from the rock I would satisfy you’.                (Psalm 81:16)

‘I have a burning thirst to be honoured in the Blessed Sacrament, and I find hardly anyone who strives, according to my desire, to allay this thirst by making me some return of Love’.                                    (Jesus to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque)

‘Out of the darkness of my life, so much frustrated, I put before you the one great thing to love on earth: The Blessed Sacrament….There you will find romance, glory, honour, fidelity, and the true way of all your loves on earth.’(J.R.R.Tolkien)

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Saturday morning Feast.🌟💫

‘The Lord turned all our sunsets into sunrise’. (St. Clement)

Saturday morning feast, banquet for one, sacred wisdom, tea, toast and marmalade. Rain pouring down outside, maybe even snow on the horizon, all adding to the cozy ambiance. What a Mighty God we serve, the smallest of joys endure far longer than many a grand gesture.

Saturday mornings twenty years ago, bacon on toast our treat. After a sabbatical of twenty eight years, I was back where my life began, not by choice. My younger sons, Diarmuid and Killian, small boys, missed their friends and all that was familiar to them, not happy at all. Their little hearts longed to return to Swords, be gone from this strange quiet place. 

As did I, leaving Swords traumatic and deeply painful, confusion reigned supreme. We had no say in the matter, divested as we were of all options. Our Saturday morning treat, no school, grilled bacon on toast made us smile for a while. 

‘I saw how God gives me hope in the middle of hard times’. (St. Catherine of Sienna)

One morning, Derm and Killian in school, in floods of tears I poured it all out to Father God. ‘I accept Lord, if you want me to be here, I’ll stay here but I don’t like it. (I hate it, I actually said). I hope you know what you are doing, because I do not’.

I know now that Holy Spirit put those words in my mouth, ‘Acceptance’  foreign concept to me at that point in our very volatile situation.I know now too, that from the moment I accepted my lot, Jesus was free to swoop in with His Gladsome Light and begin to restore my broken heart. He will never trespass our free will. 

Soon after, I found a job, purchased our little cottage and icing on the cake! we won a Christmas Hamper. Our black and white life began to take on a colourful hue. 

Twenty years on, we are proud to call Kerry ‘Home’. We look back in wonder and awe. The boys live away from home but every chance they are homeward bound. We know well the immense goodness of God. 

“Reversing the situation is one of the most wonderful ways God acts in our lives’. (Pope Francis)

Thank you Father God for so many blessings, far too numerous to document. You knew all the time how things would pan out, You always had our back, as You showered us with your wonderful Grace. You upheld us in countless storms, we never walked alone. 

My only desire now is to live for You Lord, be Your Hands and Feet, give and never count the cost. 

All glory and honour will be Yours, I humble grateful conduit. 

                                               Speak Lord, Your servant is listening.

‘For I know the plans I have for you’, declares the Lord. ‘Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future’. (Jeremiah:29:11)

Thursday, December 3, 2020

The simple Life.☀️

First time I heard American Country and Western music is forever etched in my deepest heart, I was blown away. George Jones, Marty Robbins, Don Williams, Dolly Parton, to name but a few. A neighbour recorded some songs on a tape cassette for us and another world opened up right before my eyes. 

BBC radio had a C&W program every Thursday night, which so enthralled me that I would spend most of the time on tenterhooks. Either expecting the program to end any minute, or ecstatic that the song playing was not the final one.

At eighteen years of age I moved away from home to work in Dublin. Whenever a C&W ballad would play in a store where I browsed (no money to purchase stuff!), I would remain, totally absorbed for the duration of the song, scared of missing one second of the beautiful treat that it was. No way of knowing when the next time might be, instant gratification still far off in the distant future. 

In those days, we really did know the value of everything and the price of nothing. Material wealth does little good for our world in my humble opinion.

In my retrospective gaze, summers were sunnier, people were kinder, life definitely simpler. ‘Waiting’ for stuff was not always pleasant but what an education in ‘real living’. Boredom a foreign concept, we accepted our lot, it was all we knew, the way things were. 

Perhaps as we get older the bad does sink to the bottom and only happiness and good float up, but for the most part I recall a wonderful time of simplicity, engendering us with life skills that never grow old. 

Thankyou George Jones, Marty Robbin, Don Williams and many others. May God reward you for the many happy hours you graced our lives with.

 ‘Celebrity’ is a tag pinned to many jackets these days, to be one requires little effort, ‘Heroes’ are different though. Made of sterner stuff, they endure, travelling far and wide brightening folks lives, even as far away as Kerry, Ireland.

‘Who’s gonna fill their shoes, Who’s gonna stand that tall’.  (George Jones)

You and me. That’s who!! In the way and how we live each day of our lives with God’s amazing Grace.