Saturday, December 12, 2020

Mentor Mary.❤️

When Mary was sixty four, I was forty six, both of us older now. How can I articulate what Mary means to me, whatever I write will be puny, paltry by comparison to what my heart knows and loves.

Mentor, care-giver, sharer of all things necessary and beautiful, most of all a lady of deep faith who led me along a sunlit path. Full of life, Mary no gloomy Christian, a joyous heart reflected in her countenance, hail, rain, or shine.

After Holy Mass in Swords, we would have coffee in her cozy home. One morning she made me ‘Bisto’ by mistake, otherwise known as gravy. Stirring my weak ‘coffee’ many times changed nothing, strange aroma too. Just one of our many fun times.

Mary was well aware of my home situation, Eric’s alcohol problem and the terrible sufferings entailed. Always so helpful, never in a pushy bossy way, empathetic and considerate at all times. I remember forever her words on one occasion; ‘You can only do what you can do, but remember dear, you will not hold on to your health if you endure much more of that life’.

Thank you Mary for every single thing. Like I said at the outset, far too much to mention, my meagre words just the tip of the iceberg. God used you in a powerful way, as He continues to do every day. You are the Hands and Feet of our Dear Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ and my greatest desire is to be His Hands and Feet too.

‘There is no friend like an old friend who has walked life’s road with you, easy to get on with like a worn well-fitting shoe. There’s no friend like an old friend, when blows fall and troubles brew. It’s good to turn to somebody who knows you through and through’. (Patience Strong)

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