Monday, December 21, 2020

Don’t worry about it.πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

On my way to Holy Mass this morning I met John. ‘Did you get the Red Berry Holly I left at your door’, he asked. ‘Was it you John’, I replied - ‘Thank you so much, the nicest holly I ever laid my eyes upon’. ‘You’re welcome, don’t worry about it’ John replied beaming. 

John has no idea how much he lifted my heart and shifted my gaze. Vulnerable, John knows all about suffering. Recently too he has been extremely ill, his family and friends hugely concerned. 

Thing is, my heart was heavy this morning, then Jesus shows up in the person of John uttering those wise words: Don’t worry about it’. In an instant, calm descended as I continued on my way to Holy Mass unbound, unfettered. 

In Centra Store later, I spied MicheΓ‘l in the queue looking tired and cold. As I carried his basket of shopping to his car he told me he left his walking stick at home by mistake. Very obviously he was in some pain and discomfort. ‘Would you like to link me’, I asked. ‘Oh no’, he replied laughing, ‘Someone might say, isn’t it soon he got married’.

MicheΓ‘l’s dear wife Kathleen passed away in the past year and he does not enjoy Christmas anymore, he says, tearfully. By the time we reached his car, he was cheerful again.

Thank you gentle folk, you made my day, in these tumultuous times of fragile peace and broken promises.

                     ‘Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in me’. (John 14:1)

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