Thursday, December 17, 2020


Alzheimer’s entered Marie’s world some years ago, my precious privilege to be her companion for a time. I remember vividly our first day. We prayed Holy Rosary, strolled in the sunshine wearing our floppy sun hats and drank tea. Seamlessly our adventure began and for the next five years that pretty much remained our pattern and plan. 

Oftentimes she would gift me a piece of her jewellery. Unbeknownst to her, I would return it safely to her husband Michael. Kind generous Marie got to give, and she got to keep.

She would play her grand piano while I sat enthralled. ‘Mockingbird Hill’ stands out, ‘Enjoy yourself, Enjoy yourself, it’s later than you think’, too. As her world became unrecognisable and problematic, her piano brought her comfort and joy. We both loved to sing too. Recording of us both singing ‘My Bonny lies over the ocean’ gold dust now.

When all else faded away, our Holy Rosary remained. Prayer is not just powerful, it is fundamental to our lives, the essence of our being. In actual fact I would go so far as to say, that with time, all else is an illusion, a bucket of sand.

In our final months together, Marie resting, I praying aloud by her side, she would oftentimes open her eyes, touch my face and whisper softly  ‘You’re a great girl’. I never forget our beautiful times.

Thank you beautiful Marie for enriching my life with your gentle presence. No sadness as I write these words, you danced into my heart first time we met, you never left and you never will.

Because of you Marie, I know who God is.

‘Nothing has the slightest importance in time that does not count for eternity’. (Jesus to Gabriel Bossis; God

Jesus instructs His disciples: ‘If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example that you should do as I have done to you,           (John 13: 14-17)

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