Thursday, December 24, 2020

Christmas party 2020.🎄🎆

On this Holiest of nights we traveled home to Cahersiveen. Eric, Fiona and family traveled back home Middleton. Moon shining down, hushed stillness tangible, our hearts brimming with gratitude to God for a wonderful day in Kilarney National Park. 

Every Christmas for the past few years, we would all gather together in Middleton for our wonderful joyous family Christmas party. Not so this year, Corona threw a spanner in the works and so our rendezvous in Killarney National Park. 

We walked, talked, laughed loads, took copious photographs, enjoyed Macdonalds comfort food. Very different Christmas party but delightful nevertheless. Being together again all that mattered.

Back home, we attended Christmas night Holy Mass, standing in awe at Holy Crib. Beautiful Holy Family before our adoring eyes, Baby Jesus, born anew in our hearts. Allelulia.

“So God henceforth will be human and human beings will be caught up in God. He will stay with them always, the same forever alongside them, until this world is wrapped up and done with”. 
(St. John of the Cross)

             Magnums 🍦🍦🍦 after Holy Mass Midleton Christmas 2019, before Corona came a calling.......


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