Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Kells Cealunach.☀️🙏🏻


Kells Cealunach, Garden of Remembrance for stillborn children. Unmarked graves, pointed stones sticking up out of the sad sorrowful ground. Oftentimes interred under the cloak of darkness, poor parents suffering deep shame. 

What would they think of abortion I wonder......

Idyllic view cast an eerie calmness. We prayed as we tip-toed in reverence.

Today, 2nd October 2021, Holy Mass celebrated in this Sacred space. Mine was the poignant privilege to sing the final hymn:  ‘Suffer little children to come unto Me’. My uncle Fionnain is interred in this hallowed ground.☀️🙏🏻

Today, 10th September 2022, Holy Mass celebrated in this sacred sacrosanct space. My privilege again to sing: ‘Suffer little children to come unto me’. ☀️🙏🏻

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