Monday, December 28, 2020

All for the Glory of God.πŸ•―

‘Humble-pie doesn’t taste very good but is highly nutritious to the soul’. (Derick Bingham)

Really looking forward to singing my new hymn at Holy Mass, nervous too. However, it did not go well, dismal in fact. I started too low and from that first note, downhill all the way. If the congregation assumed they were going to be regaled, well, they were in for a shock.

Where normally people remain until the end, on this occasion, steady stream departed silently. I felt humiliated, bruised, and a whole other plethora of unwelcome emotions.

Right then, Beautiful Holy Spirit reminded me of something I wrote in a blog; (Holy Mass on my Ipad; March 15th). ‘Well you did say that your performance was never needed, just your participation’. 

Wow! Distinct moment of Grace enabling me to move on, walk tall with my new piece of humility pinned to my heart. I forgot to remember that it is never about me, it is always about glorifying God.

Thank you Kind Lord, You have the message of Eternal Life

‘Nothing has the slightest importance in time that doesn’t count for Eternity’. (He and I)

‘God respects me when I work, but He loves me when I sing’. (Ravindranath Tagore)

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