Saturday, December 5, 2020

Saturday morning Feast.πŸŒŸπŸ’«

‘The Lord turned all our sunsets into sunrise’. (St. Clement)

Saturday morning feast, banquet for one, sacred wisdom, tea, toast and marmalade. Rain pouring down outside, maybe even snow on the horizon, all adding to the cozy ambiance. What a Mighty God we serve, the smallest of joys endure far longer than many a grand gesture.

Saturday mornings twenty years ago, bacon on toast our treat. After a sabbatical of twenty eight years, I was back where my life began, not by choice. My younger sons, Diarmuid and Killian, small boys, missed their friends and all that was familiar to them, not happy at all. Their little hearts longed to return to Swords, be gone from this strange quiet place. 

As did I, leaving Swords traumatic and deeply painful, confusion reigned supreme. We had no say in the matter, divested as we were of all options. Our Saturday morning treat, no school, grilled bacon on toast made us smile for a while. 

‘I saw how God gives me hope in the middle of hard times’. (St. Catherine of Sienna)

One morning, Derm and Killian in school, in floods of tears I poured it all out to Father God. ‘I accept Lord, if you want me to be here, I’ll stay here but I don’t like it. (I hate it, I actually said). I hope you know what you are doing, because I do not’.

I know now that Holy Spirit put those words in my mouth, ‘Acceptance’  foreign concept to me at that point in our very volatile situation.I know now too, that from the moment I accepted my lot, Jesus was free to swoop in with His Gladsome Light and begin to restore my broken heart. He will never trespass our free will. 

Soon after, I found a job, purchased our little cottage and icing on the cake! we won a Christmas Hamper. Our black and white life began to take on a colourful hue. 

Twenty years on, we are proud to call Kerry ‘Home’. We look back in wonder and awe. The boys live away from home but every chance they are homeward bound. We know well the immense goodness of God. 

“Reversing the situation is one of the most wonderful ways God acts in our lives’. (Pope Francis)

Thank you Father God for so many blessings, far too numerous to document. You knew all the time how things would pan out, You always had our back, as You showered us with your wonderful Grace. You upheld us in countless storms, we never walked alone. 

My only desire now is to live for You Lord, be Your Hands and Feet, give and never count the cost. 

All glory and honour will be Yours, I humble grateful conduit. 

                                               Speak Lord, Your servant is listening.

‘For I know the plans I have for you’, declares the Lord. ‘Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future’. (Jeremiah:29:11)

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