Saturday, December 31, 2022

Duet with Jesus๐ŸŽถ❤️

‘Not me but God’. (Blessed Carlo Acutis)

So wonderful to be back receiving Holy Eucharist at Holy Mass in my own Church this morning. I sang ‘Silent Night’ once more. 

Chatting with three young Belgian guys as they roamed around Church in ‘tourist mode’. After a while I asked: ‘Do you know Jesus’. One replied ‘Of course’. I shared how I sang at my sister’s funeral a few days ago and only Jesus could help me do that. No way could I have done it alone! Duet with Jesus๐ŸŽถ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

No sooner had I spoken those words when the second guy shifted his gaze to Holy Tabernacle and made the sign of the Cross over himself devoutly meaningfully. Palpably, something - SOMEONE - slotting into place in his heart right before my eyes. Singular moment of Grace! Quite extraordinary! 

‘I am sorry for your sadness’, he uttered as we parted. In the economy of salvation nothing is wasted, Father God makes use of every morsel we surrender into His loving Hands with open hearts.

‘I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing’.   (John 15:5)

Thrilled to be back again too in St. Anne’s for delightful Holy Rosary. My Auntie Bridie prayed five Hail Mary’s and her daughter sobbed in surprise and joy, witnessing her dear Mom remember every word crystal clear. Sheila told me she loved praying her decade, I told her I loved hearing her pray it too. When I complimented her on her brightness, she replied: ‘I don’t know dear. There are no mirrors in this place’.๐Ÿ˜‚ Beyond grateful spending time with my precious folk, I savour every second in their light-filled midst.

Tea and cake in the cozy home of young gentle couple I offered my prayer to over a year ago. Wonderful faith-sharing encounter - Grandmother me, new parents them. Right this minute my phone bleeped: ‘We had such a gorgeous was food for our soul’. Yes it most certainly was๐Ÿ’Ž

Buying Goodfellas pizza in Centra Foodstore on way home, loud Steve queueing just behind me could not resist calling out for all to hear: ‘Take that mafia pizza away Bridget’.

I thanked him for making me laugh ๐Ÿ˜‚

Spread Love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier’.                          (St. Mother Teresa)

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Chocolate Kindness☀️

3PM live-streamed Holy Rosary in Church today lifted my flagging spirits, shifting my gaze to higher ground. Just being near beautiful Jesus in Holy Tabernacle comforting beyond words. Encountering Jesus, we encounter that lasting joy that sustains us.

‘Silent Night’ instead of usual final hymn in this sublime Christmas time. Always my favourite carol but sacrosanct now having sang it at dear Katy’s Funeral Mass as she was being led away for burial.

Afterwards in Centra Foodstore, genial young shop assistant offered me his condolences, visibly upset for me. Then, smiling sadly he handed me bar of Dairy Milk chocolate: ‘I got you this for Christmas. Thank you for all the chocolate you gave us during the year’, he uttered.

Enduring power of kindness. How utterly thoughtful! Young friend’s kind gesture filled me with joy making me smile for a while.☀️

‘How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a weary world’.                           (The Merchant of Venice)

‘Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the Light of the world. Whoever follows Me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life’. (John 8:12)

Tuesday, December 27, 2022


‘We must always remember that God does everything well, although we may not see the reason of what He does’. (St. Philip Neri)

                                                            B/L - Chris, Jer, Agnes, Anne.
                                                            F/L - Katy, Mai, Bridget, Josephine.

Mine the heart-rending task of letting my seven siblings know that our beloved beautiful Katy is gone to God. Chris simply uttered: ‘Do you mean our own Katy?’. Poor Mai who has endured epilepsy most of her life, stuck in traffic with her husband when I called: ‘I can’t hear you Bridge’, she said. My heart screamed silently: ‘How I wish with all my heart that you might never hear what I’m about to tell you, dear Mai’.  

We siblings would oftentimes remind one another how fortunate we were to be alive and well, all eight of us. Today, despite our searing grief, we are exceedingly grateful to God for countless graces and blessings up and down the long years. Gratitude lightens our load, pilgrims are we, so we keep our eyes on Jesus, He is the example for us to get to our destination Heaven.

Katy, delivering Christmas presents to the home of a good friend when she literally fell out of her stand, one week ago today. Donal, her heartbroken husband, could but look on in shocked disbelief as he sat waiting in their car. Poor man is in deep trauma and will be for quite a while.

I had the privilege of encountering the young girl who did everything in her power to resuscitate my sister. I got to share my prayer with her and now she has a special place in all our heart and prayer. Agnes’s son Sean too deserves special mention. Living nearby he got there quickly and witnessing his special aunty lying there on the cold ground asked the Guard on duty if he could pray with her.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

I sang at my dear Katy’s Funeral Mass. Church organist Kevin seamlessly accommodating. Growing up together, oftentimes she would ask me to sing for her. Singing at her Funeral Holy Mass was both natural and heartbreaking. I am so glad I could do it. 

Singing ‘Silent night’ from Church gallery as dear Katy was being taken for burial will remain with me forever.

Young baker guy in SuperValu who searched everywhere for Church Organist’s number, told me as he accepted my prayer: ‘Two weeks ago I was involved in a horrific car accident. I should not be alive but I am. I will pray this prayer every morning now’.

Katy’s bereft husband Donal and their two desolate dogs spent Christmas Day with us. Poor Bertie and Sheeba, grief stricken and confused just as all of us are. 

‘Let us love the Cross and let us remember that we are not alone in carrying it. God is helping us and in God who is comforting us, as St. Paul says, we can do anything’. (St. Gianna Molla)

‘Shanagh guys’ in Kerry. ๐Ÿ• ๐Ÿ• 

Monday, December 26, 2022

Christmas tablecloth.๐ŸŒบ

I dropped stuff into the Charity shop and then continued on my way to pray Holy Rosary in Church. In that sublime oasis of peace random thought danced into my heart. I would place the beautiful Christmas tablecloth my dear sister Katy gifted me twenty years ago on kitchen table as soon as I returned home. Katy loved that Christmas tablecloth herself but she knew I loved it even more so one Christmas she just took it off her table and gave it to me - Katy all out!,

Thrilled with the outcome, delightful centrepiece from my sister Agnes, lights from my daughter- in-law Fiona, I forwarded Katy the above picture and text. Simultaneously my phone rang - Katy’s husband Donal ringing to impart those heartbreaking horrendous words I shall never forget: ‘Terrible news Biddy. Katy is dead’. 

She died as I was texting her - we were together in Spirit during her final moments on this earth. Thank you Father God for the immense comfort I glean from that precious nugget in these desperately distraught days. 

Suddenly and with absolutely no warning at all Katy was taken out of her shoes,Tuesday last at 5.33 PM. My ‘twin’ although we were born one year apart.❤️

May the Lord have mercy on your gentle soul my dearest Katy. 

‘Nothing is more beautiful than Love. Indeed Faith and Hope will end when we die, whereas Love, that is, Charity, will last for eternity’. (Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati)

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Laughter still the best medicine ๐Ÿ˜‚

Legion of Mary meeting this morning in Nun’s Chapel 10AM. I have so come to love and relish this beautiful time of prayer and recollection under the patronage of Blessed Mother Mary, our Heavenly Mother. As a young girl, I was a Legion of Mary member in this Church, a member too for a while when I first went to live in Dublin. Roll on myriad years and now here I am an elder right back where I began. 

Before Holy Mass, three young Ukrainian ladies came into Church. They each accepted my prayer and we prayed it aloud together. One lady worked as a Train Conductor in her country. When time comes for her to return home she will take my prayers and share them with her passengers. ๐Ÿš‚ 

Second lady, a Psychologist and when I asked if she thinks I’m ok - in her professional opinion๐Ÿง - she said :’Yes, you have a big heart. I can feel it’. Good to know๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜€

Third lady a ‘Makeup Master’. ‘Yes’, I told her, ‘I definitely could do with consultation’. 

It sounds like a joke (3 men went into a pub!!) but it happened just as I write๐Ÿ˜€ Even in tumultuous times such as these, joyful encounters from God pop up when we least expect them. Always there is Hope.

Thank you Lord for giving us hope. Lord, May no one rob us of Hope! Thank you Lord because in the darkest moment of your own life, on the cross, You thought of us and You left us a mother, Your Mother. Thank you Lord for not leaving us orphans. (Pope Frances)

Tale from the past๐Ÿ’Ž My friend Eileen and I, teenagers, joined the Legion of Mary many moons ago. We were by far the youngest in the praesidium, the rest elderly (at least that is how we viewed them at the time๐Ÿคจ). Mrs. Howard asked Eileen if she would read aloud an article on Mother Mary from a newspaper cutting. Deep silence as Eileen began to read: ‘4 ways to remove mildew stains from linen’. In her nervousness and panic she had the wrong side up!! 

Poor Mrs. Howard and her friends astonished and alarmed. Eileen and I could not contain ourselves with laughter but Thanks be to God dear ladies understood. Young and giddy - not disrespectful in the least. Wonderful memory๐Ÿ˜ Cracks me up every time it dances into my heart.๐Ÿ˜‚❤️

Monday, December 19, 2022

4th Sunday of Advent ๐Ÿ•ฏ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

10AM Holy Mass this morning, my son Ruairi, his charming little son Daithi and I. So beautiful.☀️Today, fourth Sunday of Advent.๐ŸŽ†

Remembering fondly my dear Dad taking us to Holy Mass way back then in the sunny long ago. Nelly our loyal pony ferrying us safely all the way there and home, every time.

‘Don’t ever miss the Mass’, weighty words of wisdom graciously imparted to us from my beloved parents then.๐Ÿ’Ž. ‘Don’t rear them with nothing’, my words to mine now.๐Ÿ’Ž

Round and round the story goes.๐ŸŽถ☀️๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

When we know and believe without question or doubt
                                           that in all that we do, God is there to help out.
                                           We hold in our hand the golden key,
                                            to peace and joy and senerity. (Helen Steiner Rice)

‘Advent is like the final hour before the breaking of the dawn. Our prayer is simple; “Grant, we pray that we may look forward in joy to the glorious Nativity of Christ’. (Fr. John Burns)

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Nothing has changed.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

Heading to town this morning my granddaughter Aoife asked: ‘Are we going to Mass, Nan’. We were not, we were going on a fun shopping spree. I was immediately reminded of an event which took place many moons ago...One thing renews another!!

Thirty years ago, worn out and shattered, Eric offered to look after our children Eric, Ruairi and baby Diarmuid, granting me a whole afternoon and evening to myself. Unbeknownst to them I went to my much needed bed, that way I could rest easy while still keeping an eye on proceedings. I could ‘return home’ at a moment’s notice.

10.30PM and still not home, I heard Dad ask: ‘Did Mom say where she was going?’. To which Ruairi replied nonchalantly: ‘She’s probably at Mass’. 

Holy Mass - My ‘go-to’ place thirty years ago. My ‘go-to’ place today too. Nothing has changed Thank God.

                                                               My boys and me today.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป❤️

I purchased her today from Claire O’Driscoll who knits toys. I named her Betsy after Corrie Ten Boom’s gentle sister Betsy who died in Auschwitz . Corrie’s book is ‘The Hiding Place’. Well worth a read!!
Gifted Knitter lady and her two grandchildren accepted my prayers. Corrie and Betsy will be pleased.☀️๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

Friday, December 16, 2022

Gallivanting ๐ŸŽถ๐Ÿ‘ฃ

My granddaughter Saoirse off school with chest infection today so we both stayed home cozy and warm in each other’s company. When her Mom returned from work in the afternoon I set off on my travels.

Adoration of the most Blessed Sacrament in compact Oratory at rear of main Church, some local folk praying devoutly for Holy Souls as I entered. I recognised the prayer book they were all praying from, I had one some years ago and loved it. ‘I will buy one in the Friary in Killarney on my way home’, I told myself!!

However, before I left that sacred space, a lady gifted me not just one - two, with the gentle wisdom: ‘We pray for Holy Souls here every Friday. You might begin in your own Church’. Kind lady could not possibly have known how dear Holy Souls are to my heart. When I offered to pay, she whispered: ‘No thank you. I love to share these wonderful books’. 

In town I asked a lady for directions to the local Post Office as she sat outside a cafe in the freezing cold. We struck up a conversation and she told me that her male friend who suffers with his mental health is causing terrible problems right now, accusing her of stuff that is simply not true. On top of all that she herself is wracked with anxiety and paralysing fear. Her mom died recently, alcoholic and homeless. 

Oh how my heart goes out to the dear lady, abuse in all it’s frightening forms soul-destroying beyond words. Gratefully accepting  my prayer (‘I would love a prayer’, she actually said), she will pray it every morning and took one for her male friend too. Next time I’m in town could we have coffee she asked. Most certainly we will, God willing.

Every time I decide to have a day of absolutely no ‘prayer sharing’ someone desperately in need comes across my path and my vocation from Father God is copper fastened once more in my heart of hearts.

Long queue in Post Office, frazzled assistant tired but extremely cheerful. She was bowled over when I offered her my prayer. ‘I really need this right now’, she uttered, upbeat and re-energised.

In ‘Homesavers’ I purchased a yellow bus for my grandson Cillian. Turns out it is from his favourite children’s TV program, I had no idea. Beautiful Holy Spirit wisdom covers all manner of things down to the tiniest detail.

Home sweet home๐Ÿ’Ž Thankyou God for everything.


Thursday, December 15, 2022

Road trip ๐Ÿš™

‘All this day O Lord, let me touch as many lives as possible, for You’. (Mary Sumner/1898-1921)

Road-trips back on!!  Killian’s impressive rented Skoda rearing to go this bright beautiful frosty morning, conditions perfect.

While Killian fulfilled his dental appointment, I eagerly visited  ‘New-to-me’ Church.  Sister Nan approached me as I walked in the door uttering the words: ‘Here’s a very happy lady’. I told her I’m always thrilled visiting Jesus. ‘You probably have more than enough prayers already’, I laughed (when I realised she was a Nun) but Sister Nan accepted my prayer anyway and will pass it on. I told her that nowadays I am delighted to be known as ‘Nan’ too, precious grandchildren granting me the sublime privilege.

Diligent ladies joyfully putting everything in place for Nativity play in Church tonight, first one since lonesome lockdowns. As I sat praying Holy Rosary quietly, one of the them, young pretty girl, told me that her dear sister sadly passed away recently. She read my prayer silently and accepted it with the words; ‘This has made my day’. She accepted some prayers for the other ladies too.

Wonderful encounter with lady on my way from Church to nearby village. Accepting my prayer, she told me that today would have been her late Dad’s 80th Birthday and he was a ‘great man of prayer’. Deeply moved by my timing (being offered a prayer randomly on such a special day) she went on to say that much heartbreak has occurred in her life and for that she gets very cross with God. I truly believe that her dear Dad is exceedingly happy his heartbroken daughter and I ran into each other this beautiful bright frosty morning.๐Ÿ˜ƒ She accepted prayers for family members too.

At the traffic lights, impeccably dressed business lady and I almost stepped out too soon, unaware of oncoming car. Stepping back onto the kerb laughing, lady said: ‘We both saved each other there!!. ‘May I offer you a prayer I love to say and share?’, I asked. ‘Ok, go on then’, she replied, somewhat shocked, ‘I like your coat’, she added, high praise indeed. When I told her that all of Heaven would be minding her and her loved ones as she prays my prayer every morning, ‘Really’, she replied sincerely, like perhaps there might be a grain of truth in the words I had just imparted. 

Tea and Danish pastry in heavenly cafe which could easily be named ‘The Chocolate Factory’.   Calling to mind my favourite movie of all time. Gene Wilder๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ˜€ (New movie pointless and unnecessary methinks!!)

Killian’s appointment over, road- trip continues.๐Ÿš™

‘At one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of Light’.                   (Ephesians 5:8)

                                                       The Chocolate Factory ๐Ÿฐ ๐Ÿง๐Ÿฅฎ๐ŸŽ‚๐Ÿฅ

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Gustie’s seashell ๐Ÿš

                       ‘Those whose hearts are pure are the temples of the Holy Spirit’. (St. Lucy)

‘Hello Bridget this is for you, there’s ice in it’, joy-filled little boy who gifted me a ‘blue star’ last week, on my way to Holy Mass. Bitter cold, ice everywhere.๐ŸงŠ 

The way he calls my name touches my deepest heart. 

His name is Gustie I learned and his grandmother is Olga. She and I met in Church when they came to our town from war-torn Ukraine almost one year ago now. Back then myriad tears, today calm and laughter. Not that any radical changes have taken place in their situation, war still raging in her homeland but Olga is radiantly grateful that her family are safe and sleeping at night.

Tomorrow I will bring Olga sweets for little Gustie. Our brief beautiful encounters warm the cockles of my heart. Jesus, our elder brother present in our midst. Palpable☀️

This afternoon Killian home safe and sound from Vancouver for Christmas. (minus his baggage!!๐Ÿงฐ). Arduous journey, flights cancelled, London Heathrow mayhem. All is well, so good to have him home and sleeping soundly under my roof this night.

Thank you Father God, we have so much to be grateful for. Freely freely we have received, freely freely we will give. In Jesus Holy Name. Amen

   Ghost town๐ŸงŠ๐ŸงŠ๐ŸงŠ

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Lost and found๐ŸŒ 


On our way for coffee we popped into Church as always to visit with Jesus in Holy Tabernacle. Just outside the main door Mary spotted something on the ground and wow!! my earring, the one I truly believed was lost and gone forever. Some kind generous soul placed little stones around it rendering it plain as day to behold. Ingenuity๐ŸŽ†

I rearranged the little stones in the shape of a ❤️. I hope same kind generous person sees it!!

Thing is, I purchased those earrings in the indigenous shop in Vancouver and they are very special to me. I am super thrilled and really grateful to have them back together again.

Had we not visited Jesus I might never have know my earring was in that place. Our God is surely a God of surprises.๐Ÿ’Ž

His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me. ๐ŸŽถ ๐ŸŽถ 

Friday, December 9, 2022

Let go lightly๐ŸŒŸ

‘Lord, I want to live each moment by filling it with my love, living each moment with the greatest intensity, just as the Saints in Heaven live their eternity. What counts is not so much how long I live, but how I lived the time I had’. (Cardinal Nguyen Van Thuan)

‘If you look for the thing itself, it will disappear. If you just do your duty it will creep up behind you, take you by the hand and say; ‘Here I am’. (Dr. Peter Kreeft)

Beautiful quote from that wonderful gentleman I’ve come to admire so much. Yes, that is truly how it goes, doing what I ought to do, one step in front of the other. Obedience the formula!

As I crunched my way to the bird feeder this morning (blanket of frost covering everywhere) I became acutely aware of how utterly blessed I am to be visited by countless birds every morning, myriad cute tiny colourful ones, doves and of course crows. They delight my heart no end, I fill the feeder and gaze in wonder on them. Oftentimes I try to photograph them but the outcome is always dismal so binoculars at the ready, I feast my eyes and thank God from my deepest heart.

Jim๐Ÿˆ and Tony๐Ÿˆ‍⬛ arrive each evening for dinner. I don’t know where they’ve been or where they are going, enough that they take time out of their busy schedule to stop awhile. Again, I am enriched by their peaceful presence. This evening they got double-cream as a special treat. (Cats that got the cream๐Ÿ˜ป)

Praying live-streamed 3PM Holy Rosary, just myself in our large empty Church. No way of knowing if I have an audience and having prayed live-streamed Holy Rosary for two years now, my need to know is well and truly over, thank God. More than enough that I have the sublime privilege of praying Holy Rosary near Jesus in Holy Tabernacle three days every week.

Leaving Church, I received beautiful message; ‘I had the honour and blessing of your special Rosary’. 

Life is sweeter by far when we let go lightly!! When we cease striving for that illusive pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, wonders unfold before our very eyes.

‘Paradoxically, when you don’t grasp at it and say this is it, then alone are you fulfilled by it. But when you try to be fulfilled by it, you aren’t’. (Dr. Peter Kreeft)

                                                               Is it my turn yet๐Ÿง๐Ÿง๐Ÿง๐Ÿฆ


‘Mary is obedient in great and small things; therein lies her greatness’. (Kimberley Hahn)

Thursday, December 8, 2022


Every day I am privileged to encounter some of my Ukrainian brothers and sisters residing in our town, today Tanye and her grandson. Tanye accepted my prayer and her little grandson thrilled to place my blue rosary beads around his neck. Even though it feels like nothing, my heart is so grateful to God for the chance to lighten their load for a moment in time.

Although our language differ greatly, still our encounters are beautiful. We smile, we sign and oftentimes we cry. So much can be said and understood without words in these terrible times.

My auntie Bridie is enjoying period of rest in St.Anne’s and how thrilled I was to have my very own auntie pray Holy Rosary with us today. When her daughter Loretto received our precious picture, she enquired if her Mom recognised me. My reply: ‘Perhaps not but she liked me a lot.❤️‘

Mike who only last week seemed to be at death’s door prayed full Rosary decade and then with both hands in prayer position whispered: ‘I am so happy to be here’. Dan blind, prays his decade joyfully with laser beam precision. Michael takes his hat off before he begins his decade, such is his profound reverence. Kitty totally deaf, prays aloud whatever is in her heart and many laughs come to pass๐Ÿ˜ƒ. St. Anne’s Dayroom is a happy place to be,

Brendan blind too and probably one of the most contented people I have ever met in my whole life. Adopted from an orphanage way back then, he loves to tell how blessed he feels to have found the kindest most loving family to call his own. Countless others have a much different tale to tell.

I’m just over the moon to be back again in their merry midst after lengthy lockdowns. Patience obtains all things!!

In Church on my way home Sean deep in contemplation accepted my prayer, he liked it very much. Perhaps Sean needed it methinks. I nearly didn’t offer it.....

This evening apple tart, cream and hot tea. Mary, Mario and me.๐ŸŒ 

‘First keep yourself in peace, and then you will be able to pacify others. A peaceable man does more good than a learned one’. (Thomas A Kempis)

☕️ ☕️☕️ 

Christmas Star๐ŸŒŸ

‘What is your name’ enquired joy-filled little boy as I walked home from 3PM live-streamed Holy Rosary in Church this afternoon. Ukrainian, he lives in one of the apartments occupied by some of his country folk right now. Large locked gate separating us we happily chatted, and then ever so gently, he picked a star from a card he held in his little hands uttering cheerfully: ‘This is for you Bridget. Happy Christmas’. 

Fun time spent in the company of ‘bundle of Joy’ little boy from war-torn Ukraine showered me with pure hope, changing everything. Divine encounter for sure. Thing is, up to that moment in my day, I had encountered quite a few devastated folk, myriad prayer requests. Depression, addiction, anxiety, and more besides.

In my heart this night, mysteriously; Mary’s Boy child Jesus Christ, Star of Bethlehem, little Ukrainian child and blue star. Beginning to feel a lot like Christmas.!!

‘The star which they had seen in the East went before them, till it came to rest over the place where the Child was’. (Matthew 2:9)

Magnificent sunset this evening.☀️๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

Tea and chat.☀️๐ŸŒบ

Jim๐Ÿˆ and Tony๐Ÿˆ‍⬛ dined too. ☀️๐ŸŒบ

Friday, December 2, 2022

Ukrainian guests ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ช

‘There is nothing more beautiful than to know Jesus and to speak to others of our friendship with Him’. 
(Pope Benedict Emeritus)

‘Google Translate’ gifted two handsome Crimean guys and I encounter extraordinaire on my way home from Holy Mass today. Displaced men coping the only way they know how in this new strange environment they find themselves in through no fault of their own. In no way gloomy, they informed me that Crimea and Ireland are extremely similar but we in Ireland have more rain. In the midst of so much trouble and strife we could smile. Yes of course they pray every day for their harassed homeland. Both gentlemen gladly gratefully accepted my prayer. 

I strolled on home by the river and wow๐Ÿ˜€ three waterhens to behold. Oftentimes one, sometimes two, extremely rare to witness three waterhens glide along in perfect unison. Simple abundance☀️

After 3Pm live-streamed Holy Rosary in Church, Joan and I went for tea. Young delightful girl serving us, extremely helpful. I offered her my prayer and instantly tears fell from her eyes. ‘I am returning to Ukraine tomorrow and I am very afraid. Thank you so much for this’, she said, holding up my prayer. Thing is, I did not really want to go for tea. I only went because Joan was cold and needed a hot drink. As always, God set the whole thing up.

Spending precious time with my Ukrainian brothers and sisters is not only exceedingly enjoyable, it also comes naturally to me. Our happy childhood home, stonethrow  from the Atlantic Ocean and my dear Dad, fisherman, regularly would take holidaymakers for trips in his little boat ‘Star of the sea’. For as long as I can recall I loved the thrill of meeting and chatting with folk from different parts of the world and that has stayed with me up and down the long years.

Sharing my prayer completes the whole package, letting folk know what Jesus means to me. My life vocation, doing what I love and hopefully doing a little good in the process.

Who could ask for anything more!!

                                      ‘All wealth which is not my God to me is poverty’. (St. Agustine)

                                                              Solo Tony ๐Ÿˆ‍⬛ tonight.๐Ÿ˜ƒ❄️
                                                             Solo Jim ๐Ÿˆ too.๐Ÿ˜€❄️