Friday, October 9, 2020

Beautiful day.☀️

We pray Holy Rosary at the grotto, the two of us. Cars drive by, folk glancing in our direction. Jack stands tall, eyes shut, I know I am in the presence of Jesus, I am elated, humbled.

As we walk, I ask how his day has been. ‘Reasonably well’, he replies. When Jack looks serious, he looks very grave indeed, when he smiles the whole town lights up. I love his company, soul thing. 

Without warning, he turns to go into a shop, saying before walking away; ‘Thankyou for sharing your strength with me for the past six years’.

Thank you Jack, for sharing so much more with me. Because of you, I know who God is.

‘A person’s beauty is sophisticated and sacred and is far beyond image, appearance or personality’.    (John o’ Donoghue: Divine Beauty)

When I told John today (13/10/2021) wonderful tidings of my new grandson Daithi’s safe arrival into our grateful lives, he replied: ‘He’ll be a mighty man - that baby’. 😃💡 

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