Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Divine Simplicity.🌺

Beautiful rose popped its head up, dancing joyfully in the breeze, above the adjoining wall to our Church today. Photographing it not easy, a few failed attempts when suddenly, beautiful rose stood still in all her glory gifting me with her splendour.

Life is full of such moments when we open the eyes of our hearts, keep our gaze on our own paper, do what God is asking of us, right here, right now. The hinge on which it all turns. 

We are made in the image of God and just  like this beautiful rose, let us reflect His, rather than our own glory. We were made by Love for Love.

‘If I keep my eyes open and my spirit alert, I will live in continual thanksgiving. How can I repay you, Lord, for filling my life with so many good things’.(Cardinal Nguyen/ thirteen years imprisoned by the Vietnamese government).

‘The terrible thing about all Divine truth is it’s simplicity and yet this very simplicity makes it so unacceptable to the wise and the proud and the sophisticated. (Father Ciszek/ incarcerated cruelly for many years in Siberian labour camps and Soviet prisons)

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