Monday, October 19, 2020


Every morning she sits in perfect symmetry, bisecting the scene, hoping against hope that one little bird will make a wrong move and today’s lunch bagged. Day away from dry food would be so delectable, utterly welcome.

However, it is not to be. Outwitted, Lady cat walks away dejected, disappointed for what might have been. She will not be deterred though, no way, tomorrow she will wait patiently again. She will persevere to the end, hope reigning supreme in her little feline heart.

Observing, totally absorbed, I feel honoured and grateful. A valuable lesson unfolding before my eyes in these COVID days of trial and testing. 

‘If you wish success in life, make perseverance your bosom friend, experience your wise counsellor, caution your elder brother, and hope your guardian genius’. (Joseph Addison)

‘When through the murk of the shadows you grope. You’ve got to remember there’s always a Hope’.           (Patience Strong)

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