Friday, October 2, 2020

Aoife’s First Holy Communion.☀️

Aoife, my granddaughter, receiving her first Holy Communion today. In this Corona time, only her Mam may attend. Compared with other years it will be a very quiet affair and therefore will receive the reverence and respect the Sacred occasion deserves. My heart is glad, much as I would love to be there, far more, I love that Aoife will receive Jesus in her heart and soul.

Last night on skype I asked her if she would please think of me when she received Beautiful Jesus for the very first time. Her reply will remain in my heart forever; ‘Nan, of course I will, every time I see a Church or hear a prayer, I think of you. That is what you are like’

Thank you Aoife for your glowing reference, that is the kind of Nan I want to be. What a privilege from God, what a precious assignment.

‘There is nothing so great as the Holy Eucharist. If God had something more precious, He would have given it to us’. (St. John Marie Vianney)

‘This is the mission of Mothers: to give witness to their children and grandchildren that Christ has risen. Faith is expressed with the lips and with the heart, with words and love’. (A year with Pope Francis)

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