Monday, October 12, 2020

A little daily wisdom.💎

Oftentimes when I read something that resonates deeply in my heart, I forward on to friends via text. I love to share God’s beautiful wisdom, this morning I read: ‘I place my hope in God because His Grace covers me like a good piece of clothing’. (St. Hildegard of Bingen).

About to share it but decided not to, maybe I do it too much, I told myself. Placing the book back on the shelf, I heard clearly, gentler than the softest snow, whispered in my deepest heart - ‘So you are going to keep it for yourself’. 

No doubt about it, no wondering, definitely Holy Spirit prompting. Without further adieu, I shared with my friends, Thank you Holy Spirit, You brighten our days, lift our hearts.

While basking in the sunshine of that Sacred moment, Jack rang. We both agreed our friendship had gifted us many Blessings, we have learned much from one another. ‘Yes’, Jack said, ‘I needed a religious conversion, I did not need a woman. We didn’t shake the world or anything but we got better ourselves’.  ‘You got a woman too Jack’, I replied, ‘God can not be outdone in generosity’. He laughed so loud, all his anxiety dissolved in a flash 

Walking with Jesus is truly high adventure, goodness and beauty shine forth, leaving all else in shadowland. Let us move forward holding Jesus beautiful hand, let us not look back too much. Let us listen with the ears of our hearts, the heart has an inner ear -  H ear T. 

To listen to Jesus is to receive Him, become His disciple, follow Him, carry my cross with Him all the way to Calvary, Glory and Victory.

Jesus, friend, draw us ever closer to you. We entrust all we carry in our hearts to your abundant mercy. Amen.

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