Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Lockdown Prayer.πŸ™πŸ»

‘He who shall introduce into public affairs the principle of primitive Christianity will change the face of the world’ (Benjamin Franklin)

Lockdown time again, inevitable in my humble opinion. We went beach hopping, deep yearning in my soul to see the Atlantic one more time before shutters fall.

Kells, my place of birth, magical, pristine clear water, blue and still, otherworldly. Peace and acceptance about the place, as if to say: ‘let lockdown happen. All is well’, I was loathe to leave. 

St. Finian’s bay strikingly beautiful, waves crashing, cold and blustery, not one bit impressed with impending lockdown. ‘Enough already’, written on every grain of sand and rock, I could empathise. 

Ballinskelligs, picturesque, calm and pensive, accepting but crestfallen. I could empathise too, returning home refreshed and all the above.

Imagine if you will, our Taoiseach adding at the end of his Lockdown speech  -  ‘.......and if you would all, each and every one of you, pray one ‘Our Father’ - The Lord’s Prayer - every day for the next six weeks. Forget that you may not believe, just do it and see what happens’. 

Smiling to myself as I type this, imagining the consternation that would ensue. Is he losing it? Is the pressure too much for him? We’re in the midst of a pandemic and our Taoiseach is asking us to pray of all things???

Or could it possibly be worth a try?

‘Pray for my soul. More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of; Wherefore, let thy voice rise like a fountain for me night and day’.  (Alfred Tennyson - 1809-1892)

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