Friday, October 9, 2020

Corona family breakfast.🍤🍤

Enjoying my solitude this morning when quite by chance, Agnes and John dropped by. We shared a most wonderful Corona breakfast together, soaked in laughter, mirth and our favourite marmalade, apricot conserve. Sultana cake for desert, a ‘drive by’ family breakfast one might say. Conditions perfect.

As time goes on, us siblings are realising more and more how fortunate we are to be family. We have had our ‘moments’, and having resurfaced, we are careful, considerate and a lot more understanding towards one another. We don’t turn our little misadventures into epic drama anymore.

Age definitely a factor but Corona must be thanked too. In these tumultuous times, as in times of grief, being near those we know and love brings security and comfort.

‘I’m glad we called’, says John as he drove away. I am glad too. When we avail ourselves of situations presented to us, with respect, kindness and laughter, negativity has no reason to stick around, under God’s omniscient gaze it is always summer.

‘Teach us to number our days Lord, that we may gain a heart of Wisdom’. (Psalm 90:12)

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