Monday, October 5, 2020

Lockdown drama.😉

Ruairi and Diarmuid may have physically driven away just now, but to me they are gone nowhere, they are in my heart like always. Our weekend together in no way defines us, we are the sum total of all our weekends, all time ever spent in each other’s company since our lives together began, collective memory.

With that in mind and heart, loneliness has no place to lay her head. We had a ‘hover’ hug, very pertinent for a helicopter mother, such as I, always hovering. 

Newsflash last night, some brave soul leaked that another lockdown may be imminent. Or maybe a ‘Columbo’ type person sneaked in and stole the file while the Government was on tea break.The subterfuge of it all. Bad enough that we are in the midst of Pandemic, the media would like that we remain at all times in a heightened sense of awareness and blind panic, fears amplified.

We have fallen for that old chestnut too many times not to be better able to guard ourselves against it at this stage. ‘What if’  is not the same as ‘What is’, conjecture will not change the outcome - it will merely waste our valuable time from God, take our eye off the ball of our lives.

We made the most of our last night together. We walked underneath the surreal red sky, we watched in awe as the starlings put on quite a show steeped in majesty and pure joy, we watched Liverpool v Aston Villa, all the time keeping our eyes on Liverpool

Life is precious, we knew that before Corona ever got here, but now we are much more aware of the fragility of it all, we are more careful. Sad taking leave of one another but oh so glad and grateful to God for a wonderful weekend with absolutely no regrets whatsoever. The hinge on which it all turns.

God and family. Powerful foundation on which to build a fruitful happy life.

‘The story and I can only go on and on, for that is what life is, the process of going on and on until the work for which we were created comes to an end’. (The Kingdom within/ Genevieve Caulfield)

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