Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Sweet Lord.🌺

‘Sweet Lord, keep on writing on my heart, whatever it is you want me to do. Write your law in my heart. Write your orders there where they’ll never be erased’. (Marguerite d’Oingt)

As I read the above, a memory came rushing in, as often happens. Ten years ago, at an extended family gathering, I whispered to Jesus that I was much more content and happy to be there, than I expected I would be, a feeling of warmth and camaraderie about the place. I will forever remember Jesus reply; ‘Others will only think enough of you when you think enough of yourself’. 

The simplest of wisdom, yet oh so difficult to comprehend until we are ready to receive it. The beautiful words were not audible, they were written on my heart, that was a new departure to me. The heart has an inner ear, H-EAR-T.

There is no time frame with God, for Him, all time is NOW. If I had read the above wisdom ten years ago, it would not have resonated with me, I would not have made the Divine Connection that is so clear to me today. Let go and Let God.

Others will only think enough of you when you think enough of yourself.

‘The God of Love, my Shepherd is, and He that doth me feed. When He is mine and I am His, what can I want or need’. (George Herbert)

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