Monday, March 27, 2023


‘The school of Christ is the school of Love. In the last day when the general examination takes place…..Love will be the whole syllabus’. (St. Robert Bellarmine)

‘Let him without sin, cast the first stone’, I said

 ‘Had I been asked my opinion that would have been my only response’, he replied.

‘Mine too’, I uttered. 

We shook hands in agreement.

Film of greyness enveloping our town even though kindly sun shone brightly. Deep sadness all around.

Jesus stood up and said to them: “If there is anyone of you who has not sinned, let him be the first to throw a stone at her’. Once more He bent down and wrote with His finger on the ground. But when they heard it they went away, one by one, beginning with the eldest, and Jesus was left alone with the woman standing before Him. 
Jesus looked up and said to her: “Woman where are they? Has no one condemned you? She said: ‘No one Lord”. Jesus said: “Neither do I condemn you; go, and do not sin again’. (John 8:7-11)

I wrote the above last night and Gospel reading at Holy Mass this morning: ‘John 8:1-11’.
Enough saidπŸ™πŸ»πŸŽ† 
‘If there is anyone of you who has not sinned, let him be the first to throw a stone at her’. 

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Leaving Prague 😌

‘Hold back nothing of yourselves for yourselves, so that He who gives Himself totally to you may receive you totally’. (S.Francis of Assisi)

Final day in sublime city of Prague. Three hours to wander about and then taxi to airport. Hotel holding our cases in storage. 
Myriad amazing encounters, all memorable. Like waitress serving our lunch when she received my rosary beads. No words to articulate her joy and total surprise: ‘You pray, yea’, she uttered. Later Jesus told me in my heart: ‘That lady received what she needed most in that moment, a hug from Me’.

Kneeling in Church, elegant young lady asked if we could pray together. Her’s a harrowing tale of neglect and abuse. She placed my rosary beads around her neck and prayed my prayer aloud before placing it in her designer handbag. We will keep in contact now.

Young guys on plane tired and emotional returning home from Stag party in Prague. I offered one guy my prayer and immediately another enquired: ‘Is there one for me?’. Others got prayers too. They got everything they wanted in Prague. They got EVERYTHING they needed on the way home.
I cannot stop thinking of them, seeing first hand, yet again, how much our precious young folk yearn in their deepest hearts for guidance and light.

Guys who refused my prayer - Like Ciaran who believed in God one time but not anymore. Too much bad luck in his life. All of them asked the same thing though: ‘Would I please pray it for them’. Absolutely I doπŸ™πŸ»

Green bus to Killarney comfortable and pleasant. Elderly man began to cough incessantly and Mary offered him a cough sweet. There ensued amazing conversation and yes!! He now has my prayer too.

Bus driver went out of his way to drop us near to where our car was parked (it being extremely late) and I offered him my prayer in thanksgiving. I will not forget his joyful grateful reaction, and to think had he not gone that extra mile I might not have approached him at all.

Long drive home after that, both of us completely shattered. God again to the rescue! Mary ravenous, not having eaten in quite some time and so wide awake behind the wheel. Never before did either of us regard hunger a gift from God!!
Every thing is in gift form 🎁

I left home for Prague one week ago, aware of my God vocation. I return home completely convinced of my life’s purpose.πŸŽ†

‘Nothing is better than fulfilling the role that God has chosen for you, that is what we are called to do. Truly nothing will satisfy us unless we do that’. (Fr. Chase Hilgenbrink)
‘Once we come to realise how much God has given us, a life of self-sacrifice, of working for Him and for others, becomes not a burden but a privileged way of thanking Him for His great love’.
(Pope Francis)

‘They got a mug of Bovril’, Ruairi remarked wisely re tired and emotional young guys accepting my prayer on aeroplane. πŸ™πŸ»πŸ˜…πŸ•Š️

Air Hostess offered me packet of wipes as there was no water in bathroom taps. As I emerged from cubicle I offered them to young guy waiting to go in. ‘I don’t want them’, he uttered, somewhat perplexed. ‘They are for your hands’, I replied impatiently, and then we both burst out laughing.
That same young guy was first to accept my prayer later as we disembarked from plane, thus enabling his tired and emotional mates follow suitπŸ˜€πŸ™πŸ»

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Alfresco ☕️ πŸ₯–πŸ˜€

‘The vocation of every man and woman is to serve other people’. (Leo Tolstoy)

                                                         7.30 Holy Mass this morning.☀️πŸ™πŸ»

Same homeless man asleep in doorway only this time he was awake as we returned home from Holy Mass. He gratefully took rosary beads and widow’s mite although I had already put rosary beads in his hand as he lay sleeping another morning. I fetched him hot tea but could get no food. Many shops not open yet.

Breakfast in our hotel I took a bread roll to him. I didn’t feel I was stealing (Hope not!!).

Just as I settled down at last to my own breakfast, Mary pointed to a sign on the wall which read:

Please note that taking away food and beverages from breakfast room is forbidden by management’.


‘Contrive a way to make the whole of your life a gift. You’ll be happy!’. Find a way to give away what you’ve been given. You’ll be happy!’ (Bishop Robert Barron)

Today (26/3) I confessed ‘bread roll’ theft to my priest. I’m greatly relieved and hugely grateful to God for sublime Sacrament of Reconciliation!πŸ™πŸ»πŸŒ 


Friday, March 17, 2023

☘️ St. Patrick’s day in Prague.πŸ™πŸ»

O my Lord Jesus, You became poor to enrich us with Your poverty. Grant that we may never forget the poor and all those who suffer. Amen

We visited magnificent Church of Our Lady of Victories, home to famed Jesus of Prague statue. Divinely delightful. I purchased Child of Prague fridge magnets in shop next door. 

Irish pub in full St. Patrick’s day celebrations. Friendly young guy serving us, graciously refused my prayer: ‘It would be wasted on me. Thank you anyway’. (First refusal). Chatting with lovely guy sat next to us, (in Prague for Stag party), he refused my prayer too. (Second refusal). I told him though that his would be in my ‘most delightful refusal’ category, our encounter upbeat and enjoyable. Many laughs!!

Wonderful encounter too with affable handsome young guy who yet again furnished us with directions (Mary and I spent the whole week lost). He works in the Cannabis industry and he really loved my prayer…(First acceptance). Lovely guy working in hotel loved my prayer: (Second acceptance). Pretty blond lady in different hotel said when I asked if she ever prayed: ‘No but I could if you told me how. (Third acceptance). Taxi driver loved my prayer showing me a picture of Jesus he always keeps in his cab. (Fourth acceptance).

Moral of the story: Begin again!!

Mary bought takeaway cup of tea for homeless man and the ultra posh restaurant charged her 20€. Most expensive cup of tea ever. Poor little rich folk!!

Thank you dear Guardian Angel for always minding me. Oftentimes I did not see that oncoming tram but you kept me safe every time….

Thank you Saint Patrick, dear Saint of our Isle. Splendid day was had in this beautiful city of Prague.

‘Undertake courageously great tasks for God’s glory, to the extent that He’ll give you power and grace for this purpose. Even though you can do nothing on your own, you can do all things in Him. His help will never fail you if you have confidence in His goodness’. (St. John Eudes)

‘Stop trying to fill your life up. Stop grasping and grabbing. Give what you’ve been given and you will be happy’. (Bishop Robert Barron)

St. Patrick’s day.☘️πŸ™πŸ»

                                                        6AM Holy Mass this morning.☀️πŸ™πŸ»

Homeless man fast asleep in same doorway as yesterday. His ‘well aired’ bedroom😌

Young man accepted my prayer joyfully. ‘This means very much to me’, he uttered. His family all reside in Russia while he studies here. He misses them terribly, exacerbated by the fact that he has no idea when he might see them again given current war situation. Hailing as he does from extremely devout family, his poor sad heart was lifted receiving my prayer.

‘You don’t know what God knows’, I told him. ‘God is good. I am Irish grandmother and I know that for sure’.

Smiling, he repeated gently, gratefully: ‘This means very much to me’.πŸ™πŸ»

Dear Saint Patrick please pray for all of us, on this your special day. ☘️πŸ™πŸ»

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Prague ZooπŸ’πŸΌπŸ˜πŸ―πŸ¦πŸ¦˜

This afternoon we visited Prague zoo. Not much to see, most of the occupants remaining in their cozy enclosures away from the cold. We got tram, bus, metro and taxi in the course of our fun-filled adventure. On way home we dropped by The Charles bridge, my favourite spot in Prague. Homeless guy could not stop crying and kissing Holy Cross of Jesus on rosary beads. Not new! happens a lot but every time I am moved to tears.πŸ₯²

‘You have made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You’. (St.Agustine)

We got confused in πŸ’΅ conversion and only realised later that poor taxi driver overcharged us quite a bit. Tad annoyed with myself for not being more careful but much more than that I feel sorry for him. Not nice!! 
                                                        ‘You shall not steal’. (Exodus 20:15)

                                                                 The Charles bridge.❤️

Father God.πŸ“Ώ

                                                             7AM Holy Mass this morning.πŸ™πŸ»☀️ 

Bitterly cold as I spy homeless man sleeping soundly in a doorway. Placing rosary beads in his open hand, I go on my way sadly.

Elegant courteous young man tells me: ‘You are the second person to mention God to me today. Already a lady came by and told me: ‘God does not like to see you smoking cigarettes’. He laughs in astonishment!

He never prays, ‘God is just an energy and no more’, he declares vehemently. After we talk a while I suggest: ‘You might place my prayer in a drawer, or a box and perhaps take it out again one day when you are as old as I am now’, to which he replies: ‘No. I will now place it in my wallet’.

We discuss cruel unjust Ukraine war, both of us crestfallen. I say: ‘We are not sharing our stuff with Ukraine visitors who reside in our lands now, we are sharing ‘God’s stuff’. What we have belongs to God, we are just stewards. The whole world is in gift form’ πŸŽπŸ™πŸ»’

Young man, who for now simply cannot acknowledge God as his loving Father, smiles: ‘That is beautiful’, he replies……

                           ‘Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart’. (Job 1:21)

Morning light☀️

‘My favourite definition of evangelisation: “One starving person telling another starving person where to find bread”. (Bishop Robert Barron)

Twenty years ago when I returned back home with my young boys, windswept, utterly uninteresting and in grave need, had even one person told me: ‘What we have belongs to God. We are just stewards’, I might not have felt so needy and downtrodden. 
For that reason I delight in sharing this precious gem with anyone and everyone and will continue to do so as long as I live.
‘What we have belongs to God. We are just stewards’.πŸŽ†

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Prague guided tour🏟️

Snowing outside my hotel window this evening. Home at last, Thank God, after extensive informative (six hour) guided tour of Prague. Tour guide lady, amazing! She happily accepted my prayer as did all others on tour. Most enjoyable, ton of fun.🌠

I sat with dear lady again today and she remembered me from yesterday. I know because she took my rosary beads from her pocket with delight.☀️ High pointπŸŽ†
                                                              Johnny and his precious pals.☀️

                            This river-boat home to countless homeless folk in winter months. πŸ₯Ά
                                                                   Column of books.πŸ“š
                               Translated: ‘My life is fantastic because it is ordinary’. ( I love that)

                                                                 Christmas in March……….

                                                Too exhausted to write another word.πŸ“ΏπŸ˜΄πŸ’€πŸ’€

                                                                            Tourists are we!!πŸŽ†

Tuesday, March 14, 2023


‘We have been called to heal wounds, to unite what has fallen apart, and to bring home those who have lost their way’. (St. Francis of Assisi)

Moved to tears receiving most Holy Eucharist at Holy Mass in this magnificent Church today. Radiantly beautiful beyond words. Reverential silence in this Sacred sacrosanct space. 

We visited the Charles bridge. Many homeless brothers and sisters. Kneeling, they hold their paper cups in humble stance, heads bent. This dear lady too old to kneel so she does the next best thing. I sit beside her on the cobblestones for a while sharing blue rosary beads and my widows’s mite. Just smiling, no need for words. Happy place for me to be.☀️

Wonderful guy drew my portrait on the freezing Charles bridge. Amazing!! Sitting still as countless folk passed by, stopping to gaze on his workmanship and then glancing back to me. Many nodding their heads in approval of the likeness. Kinda like a ‘makeover’. I being the last to see the outcome. He even got my Cross and Holy medals round my neck, that really made my day!!

                                                                The Charles Bridge.πŸŒ‰

                                                                      Nightcap ☕️🍺 

‘Realise it, my brethren: everyone who breaths, high and low, educated and ignorant, young and old, man and woman, has a mission, has a work. We are not sent into this world for nothing; we are not born at random. God sees every one of us’. (St. John Henry Newman)


Monday, March 13, 2023

Prague adventure🌠

‘We are born to love, we live to love, and we will die to love still more’. (St. Joseph Cafasso)

First day in Prague and what an adventure thus far. Holy Mass in Franciscan Friary yesterday morning. Sadly I could not receive Holy Eucharist (train leaving Killarney station any minute) but a lady right in front of my pew could not stop coughing and I had just what she needed in my bag - cough sweets. 

Sat in train with three guys returning from stag party, tired but not in the least gloomy. They loved my prayer!!

Tea in Heuston station cafe and a young man asked if I would please get him a cup of tea. Homeless, he told me, and as I gifted him money and prayer, he asked my age. ‘I’m sixty six’, I told him. ‘You have twenty more years’ he told me seriously. (Like he possessed some ‘inside information’). What’s not to love!! As he left cafe holding hot tea he called out: ‘God Bless you Bridget’, kissing my prayer at the same time.

Tanye and Mischa dropped by the station, our final meeting. They will return to Ukraine in two weeks. I gifted them miraculous medals. Mother Mary will keep them safe.πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ˜Œ

Taxi drive to Clayton hotel most enjoyable. Driver loved my prayer so much he placed it on display in his cab. This morning, taxi driver here in Prague did exactly the same thing.

Martin, Aimee, Josh, Ryan, Michelle, Gavin and many more received my prayer. I am so happy to be a prayer sharer in these tumultuous times. Our precious young folk are so open and crave deeply the good, the true and the beautiful.

Having just finished preflight breakfast in Dublin Airport this morning and wishing for one more cup of tea when a young waiter approached our table with just two cups of tea on a tray. We told him we hadn’t ordered them but he said: ‘No problem. Mistake. Have them anyway’, strictly refusing payment. Offering him my prayer I told him: ‘When you pray this every morning I am certain that all of Heaven will be minding you’. Over the moon waiterπŸ™πŸ» and me too. ☕️

Our God cannot be outdone in generosity!

‘Surely goodness and kindness shall follow me all the days of my life and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever’. (Psalm 23)

Thrilled to meet up with Ruairi, Derm and Shona in hotel last night.❤️

We met for the very first time almost one year ago.πŸ˜ŒπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦


‘A room without books is like a body without a soul’. (Cicero)